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Everything Else / Re: HIII HELLO???!!!!???!!?
« Last post by atomic7732 on December 05, 2024, 10:54:42 AM »
hi!!!! join our discord server tbh

i'll pm you
Everything Else / Re: HIII HELLO???!!!!???!!?
« Last post by Cryo on November 17, 2024, 08:52:17 PM »
Hey y'all it's been a really really long time, It's good to see the forum is still here! is it appropriate to like throw out there that like I am trans now or??? It's really nice that this corner of the internet is still here. I keep checking in on it every couple of years and it never stops making me smile. This was one of my first real forum experiences as a tween/teenager. And I too still play universe sandbox, but now I guess I do it for worldbuilding projects! Anyhow all this to say I echo Rodney's sentiments. Glad you're all still here :'(
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