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i think it could be like rainforest or rainforest
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Quid agit darvince
filii meii non dormiunt et student universitates Romae
ssssssssssssssssssss hidtron male sum est vir
it is instead mountain of crater in the mountain of truth and
Lorem ipsum dolor serat demonstratum into the bottom of the sea, for it has not witnessed the once agile ability of climatic beginning of the universe, this or that? so nor can you :- as within, as out, as forgotten beyond
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you cant see love, it is an indigenous plant
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i mean, i guess. like the truth is always in the middle. maybe hitron is not the bottom of the sea, and it is not a lush jungle. maybe it is the continental shelf.
oh my GOD you're missing the entire point, you see, the point is that there's a pointed stick that is part of the ability to indigenous plant, which has (((unique characteristic))) which has been exploited by humanity for resources, such as marble-like texture.
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estne romae civitates americana?!
The truth is the last of the middle, but in the end. Perhaps it is true but you have seven seconds til i shit
who resides in the continental shelf if not for the seagrass? but seagrass is not the middle, it is the imitation of above, as so below. you cannot see this, but it is so obvious.
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look what the fuck are you saying to me whgith knigw you piece of shit. i dont thinm the at the indigenous plant is even ingenuous enough to be able to evolve itself to have a (((unique characteristic))). stupid ass plant. and dotrugan colonizatrors are too scupit to even think abotout making the plant have like hyou know, have evolutionary traits .
shit my pants, oh my god, you cannot seriously believe that, its at the beginning of the universe in an initial state
you don't even read my ancient shit paper do you, but i do and then you will understand the thigns understand me and i know dumb things and dumb things know me
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eat the sheep, now sheep can't eat the (((indigenous plant))) because you're normie. but on the other side, you can think of new species, right?
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eat the sheep, now sheep can't eat the (((indigenous plant))) because you're normie. but on the other side, you can think of new species, right?
but in reality does the fish vore not? i think it might (((evolve me))) but i personally do. perhaps the inkel knows the sheep fish.
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FiahOwl, your lack of capitalization on the truth of smatb is really showing through here. you can't go through life with a clear mind if you lack smatb, but clearly you are lacking all traces of smatb. distill it from others within yourself, and gain wisdom
FiahOwl, your lack of capitalization on the truth of smatb is really showing through here. you can't go through life with a clear mind if you lack smatb, but clearly you are lacking all traces of smatb. distill it from others within yourself, and gain wisdom
damn thats a really powerful insight i am john lucas self image on reddit and you are of epic now please suck the plant
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but in reality does the fish vore not? i think it might (((evolve me))) but i personally do. perhaps the inkel knows the sheep fish.
The trumpet is a brass instrument commonly used in classical and jazz ensembles. The trumpet group ranges from the piccolo trumpet with the highest register in the brass family, to the bass trumpet, which is pitched one octave below the standard B♭ or C Trumpet.
Trumpet-like instruments have historically been used as signaling devices in battle or hunting, with examples dating back to at least 1500 BC. They began to be used as musical instruments only in the late 14th or early 15th century.[1] Trumpets are used in art music styles, for instance in orchestras, concert bands, and jazz ensembles, as well as in popular music. They are played by blowing air through nearly-closed lips (called the player's embouchure), producing a "buzzing" sound that starts a standing wave vibration in the air column inside the instrument.[2] Since the late 15th century trumpets have primarily been constructed of brass tubing, usually bent twice into a rounded rectangular shape.[3]
There are many distinct types of trumpet, with the most common being pitched in B♭ (a transposing instrument), having a tubing length of about 1.48 m (4 ft 10 in). Early trumpets did not provide means to change the length of tubing, whereas modern instruments generally have three (or sometimes four) valves in order to change their pitch. There are eight combinations of three valves, making seven different tubing lengths, with the third valve sometimes used as an alternate fingering equivalent to the 1–2 combination. Most trumpets have valves of the piston type, while some have the rotary type. The use of rotary-valved trumpets is more common in orchestral settings (especially in German and German-style orchestras), although this practice varies by country. Each valve, when engaged, increases the length of tubing, lowering the pitch of the instrument. A musician who plays the trumpet is called a trumpet player or trumpeter.[4]
1 Etymology
2 History
3 Construction
4 Types
5 Playing
5.1 Fingering
5.2 Mute
6 Range
7 Extended technique
7.1 Instruction and method books
8 Players
9 Musical pieces
9.1 Solos
10 In art
11 See also
12 References
12.1 Notes
12.2 Bibliography
13 External links
The English word "trumpet" was first used in the late 14th century.[5] The word came from Old French "trompette", which is a diminutive of trompe.[5] The word "trump", meaning "trumpet," was first used in English in 1300. The word comes from Old French trompe "long, tube-like musical wind instrument" (12c.), cognate with Provençal tromba, Italian tromba, all probably from a Germanic source (compare Old High German trumpa, Old Norse trumba "trumpet"), of imitative origin."[6]
Ceramic trumpet, AD 300, Larco Museum Collection Lima, Peru
Trumpet, 17th century
Main article: History of primitive, ancient Western and non-Western trumpets
Silver and gold plated trumpet and its wooden mute from the tomb of Tutankhamun (1326–1336 BC)
The earliest trumpets date back to 1500 BC and earlier. The bronze and silver trumpets from Tutankhamun's grave in Egypt, bronze lurs from Scandinavia, and metal trumpets from China date back to this period.[7] Trumpets from the Oxus civilization (3rd millennium BC) of Central Asia have decorated swellings in the middle, yet are made out of one sheet of metal, which is considered a technical wonder.[8]
The Shofar, made from a ram horn and the Hatzotzeroth, made of metal, are both mentioned in the Bible. They were played in Solomon's Temple around 3000 years ago. They were said to be used to blow down the walls of Jericho. They are still used on certain religious days.[9] The Salpinx was a straight trumpet 62 inches (1,600 mm) long, made of bone or bronze. Salpinx contests were a part of the original Olympic Games.[9]
Playing trumpet at Palace Temple, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India
The Moche people of ancient Peru depicted trumpets in their art going back to AD 300.[10] The earliest trumpets were signaling instruments used for military or religious purposes, rather than music in the modern sense;[11] and the modern bugle continues this signaling tradition.
Reproduction baroque trumpet by Michael Laird
Improvements to instrument design and metal making in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance led to an increased usefulness of the trumpet as a musical instrument. The natural trumpets of this era consisted of a single coiled tube without valves and therefore could only produce the notes of a single overtone series. Changing keys required the player to change crooks of the instrument.[9] The development of the upper, "clarino" register by specialist trumpeters—notably Cesare Bendinelli—would lend itself well to the Baroque era, also known as the "Golden Age of the natural trumpet." During this period, a vast body of music was written for virtuoso trumpeters. The art was revived in the mid-20th century and natural trumpet playing is again a thriving art around the world. Many modern players in Germany and the UK who perform Baroque music use a version of the natural trumpet fitted with three or four vent holes to aid in correcting out-of-tune notes in the harmonic series.[12]
The melody-dominated homophony of the classical and romantic periods relegated the trumpet to a secondary role by most major composers owing to the limitations of the natural trumpet. Berlioz wrote in 1844:
Notwithstanding the real loftiness and distinguished nature of its quality of tone, there are few instruments that have been more degraded (than the trumpet). Down to Beethoven and Weber, every composer – not excepting Mozart – persisted in confining it to the unworthy function of filling up, or in causing it to sound two or three commonplace rhythmical formulae.[13]
you don't even read my ancient shit paper do you, but i do and then you will understand the thigns understand me and i know dumb things and dumb things know me
ok what the fuck did you just say to me. the way you make sure we are inkels is not through untolerant shambling about your own foreheads but through (((deeep obediation))) of your ((inner sell)))
ah bu tperhaps you did not read into the truth of the (((post))). the (In CELL) is in fact mitochondria and i am explaining that the powerhouse is a nuclear in my ass
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the (((indigenous plant))) is problematic. it erases the native experience. because then the continent becomes all about the plant. nobody cares about anything else. people will say, "oh, hitron? that is where (((indigenous plant)) is from." and that will be all there is.
come with your own damn language then, coward. our languages are here, and we have practiced concsiouscness for hundred of years and you seriouesly TELL ME that you believe in it, but it insn't, we have 10,000 year wisdom of indigeniety.
but in reality does the fish vore not? i think it might (((evolve me))) but i personally do. perhaps the inkel knows the sheep fish.
Cow. you think sheep is better? i think not. Read researchof smatb before posting such nonsense, grandmother
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«ah bu tperhaps you did not read into the truth of the (((post))). the (In CELL) is in fact mitochondria and i am explaining that the powerhouse is a nuclear in my ass» powerhouse my ass immediatel,y im so out of it im going to dunk my entire face in smatb
but in reality does the fish vore not? i think it might (((evolve me))) but i personally do. perhaps the inkel knows the sheep fish.
i forget who you replying to. but i implore you. smatb is everything yes. but grandmother cannot see lack of smatb. grandmother only detect False smatb. so as long as lord dc shouts his (((incense after incense))) at us, if it not containing False smatb, it ok.
this is perhaps the truth of this non matter
i forget who you replying to. but i implore you. smatb is everything yes. but grandmother cannot see lack of smatb. grandmother only detect False smatb. so as long as lord dc shouts his (((incense after incense))) at us, if it not containing False smatb, it ok.
False smatb, i never have considered this before in my life, what horror hath we wrought on our civilization now
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i forget who you replying to. but i implore you. smatb is everything yes. but grandmother cannot see lack of smatb. grandmother only detect False smatb. so as long as lord dc shouts his (((incense after incense))) at us, if it not containing False smatb, it ok.
False smatb, i never have considered this before in my life, what horror hath we wrought on our civilization now
I personally do indeed rthink smatb might end the civlization but give life to new inkels in the lands of (((moon)))
fuck your language, smatb-head. you talk so much of smatb. but i cannot escape it. any language i create, unless saphir-worf hipottamus is true, smatb will eventually be introduced. and smatb will take over. language will lose all declensions, all grammatical tenses, language will become just smatb. smatb smatb smatb.
send your wise, send your tuto99. he have not smatb, but alternative neutral wisdom.
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i forget who you replying to. but i implore you. smatb is everything yes. but grandmother cannot see lack of smatb. grandmother only detect False smatb. so as long as lord dc shouts his (((incense after incense))) at us, if it not containing False smatb, it ok.
False smatb, i never have considered this before in my life, what horror hath we wrought on our civilization now
I personally do indeed rthink smatb might end the civlization but give life to new inkels in the lands of (((moon)))
what heresy is this about moon, it takes so much work to produce even one ounce of moon, and you propose that we introduce and propose and introduce life giving new beings of inkel on MOON!?! you are absolutely nuts, sir, and you cannot be trusted with moon for smatb, smatb know moon is expesnive
Fiah indeed moon is made of smatb this is the truh the """in celss" have beebn trying to purvey but the (((thot police))) have been supressing it to stop us from gaining our true powers as wielders of the most smatb in the universe.
This can be rectified by spacex and musky fox
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his alternative wisdom,, has it been double-blind study? R=0.05? is it correct? i think not. falsifiable it is not. smatb is the truth. smatb has thousands of yeraas o f wisdom behind it. smatb.
he is too intricate to understand R=0.06, wisdom, falsifliable, popper, this and that, smatb does not need all this. neutrality does nto need all this. smatb demands proper study, and rpoerper study has been shown not to indclude R=0.07, but instead knowing of all region.s and then it's simple to learn new things from reality.
it is not horror. false smatb is just (((manufactured by rascal apes))) and is ok in small quantitatives. but when rascal apes begin eating false smatb in great quantity it causes to forgetting 10th grandfather.
hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare. chant this and you will grow moon
i forget who you replying to. but i implore you. smatb is everything yes. but grandmother cannot see lack of smatb. grandmother only detect False smatb. so as long as lord dc shouts his (((incense after incense))) at us, if it not containing False smatb, it ok.
False smatb, i never have considered this before in my life, what horror hath we wrought on our civilization now
I personally do indeed rthink smatb might end the civlization but give life to new inkels in the lands of (((moon)))
what heresy is this about moon, it takes so much work to produce even one ounce of moon, and you propose that we introduce and propose and introduce life giving new beings of inkel on MOON!?! you are absolutely nuts, sir, and you cannot be trusted with moon for smatb, smatb know moon is expesnive
i agree with my fourth cousin twelfth removed. moon is made of smatb, i heard. moon expands (((inch after inch))) with constant smatb meditation by special monks like,meee, and doctor vince. if we give moon to incel. it all for nothing. we lose the Work. the Work must continue. smatb moon.
In cel will continue expansion of smatb Moon, for they have no life to breathe and thus will not stop, ever, manufacture smatb inch by foot by year
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This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '237159'.
i have been summon to see (((10 grandfather()))
do you have? if do remember to believe. If don't, die
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i forget who you replying to. but i implore you. smatb is everything yes. but grandmother cannot see lack of smatb. grandmother only detect False smatb. so as long as lord dc shouts his (((incense after incense))) at us, if it not containing False smatb, it ok.
False smatb, i never have considered this before in my life, what horror hath we wrought on our civilization now
I personally do indeed rthink smatb might end the civlization but give life to new inkels in the lands of (((moon)))
what heresy is this about moon, it takes so much work to produce even one ounce of moon, and you propose that we introduce and propose and introduce life giving new beings of inkel on MOON!?! you are absolutely nuts, sir, and you cannot be trusted with moon for smatb, smatb know moon is expesnive
i agree with my fourth cousin twelfth removed. moon is made of smatb, i heard. moon expands (((inch after inch))) with constant smatb meditation by special monks like,meee, and doctor vince. if we give moon to incel. it all for nothing. we lose the Work. the Work must continue. smatb moon.
In cel will continue expansion of smatb Moon, for they have no life to breathe and thus will not stop, ever, manufacture smatb inch by foot by year
haha quote grow
The flugelhorn (/ˈfluːɡəlhɔːrn/—also spelled fluegelhorn, flugel horn, or Flügelhorn—from German meaning wing horn or flank horn, German pronunciation: [ˈflyːɡl̩hɔʁn]) is a brass instrument that is usually pitched in B♭ but occasionally found in C.[1] It resembles a trumpet, and the tube has the same length but a wider, conical bore.[2] A type of valved bugle,[1] the flugelhorn was developed in Germany from a traditional English valveless bugle, with the first version sold by Heinrich Stölzel in Berlin in 1828.[3] The valved bugle provided Adolphe Sax (creator of the saxophone family) with the inspiration for his B♭ soprano (contralto) saxhorns, on which the modern-day flugelhorn is modeled.[4][5]
1 Etymology
2 Structure and variants
3 Timbre
4 Use and performances
5 Notable players
6 Footnotes
7 References
8 External links
The German word Flügel translates into English as wing[6] or flank. In early 18th century Germany, a ducal hunt leader known as a Flügelmeister blew the Flügelhorn, a large semicircular brass or silver valveless forerunner of the modern-day flugelhorn to direct the wings of the hunt (military use dates from the Seven Years' War, where this valveless instrument was employed as a predecessor of the bugle).[4]
Structure and variants
A rotary valve flugelhorn
The flugelhorn is built in the same B♭ pitch as many trumpets and cornets. It usually has three piston valves and employs the same fingering system as other brass instruments, but four-piston valve and rotary valve variants also exist. It can thus be played without too much trouble by trumpet and cornet players, though some adaptation to their playing style may be needed. It is usually played with a more deeply conical mouthpiece than either trumpets or cornets (though not as conical as a French horn mouthpiece). The shank of the flugelhorn mouthpiece is similar in size to a cornet mouthpiece shank, and standard tapered flugelhorns are interchangeable with cornets.[citation needed]
Some modern flugelhorns feature a fourth valve that lowers the pitch a perfect fourth (similar to the fourth valve on some euphoniums, tubas, and piccolo trumpets, or the trigger on trombones). This adds a useful low range that, coupled with the flugelhorn's dark sound, extends the instrument's abilities. More often, however, players use the fourth valve in place of the first and third valve combination, which is somewhat sharp (compensated for on trumpets and cornets and some three-valve flugelhorns by an easily movable slide for the first or third valve).
A pair of bass flugelhorns in C, called fiscorns, are played in the Catalan cobla bands which provide music for sardana dancers.
The tone is fatter and usually regarded as more mellow and dark than the trumpet or cornet. The sound of the flugelhorn has been described as halfway between a trumpet and a French horn, whereas the cornet's sound is halfway between a trumpet and a flugelhorn.[7] The flugelhorn is as agile as the cornet but more difficult to control in the high register (from approximately written G5), where in general it slots or locks onto notes less easily. It is not generally used for aggressive or bright displays as trumpets and cornets often are, but tends more towards a softer and more reflective role.
Use and performances
The flugelhorn is a standard member of the British-style brass band, and it is also used frequently in jazz. It also appears occasionally in orchestral and concert band music. Famous orchestral works with flugelhorn include Igor Stravinsky's Threni,[8] Ralph Vaughan Williams's Ninth Symphony,[9] and Michael Tippett's third symphony.[10] The flugelhorn is sometimes substituted for the post horn in Mahler's Third Symphony,[11] and for the soprano Roman buccine in Ottorino Respighi's Pines of Rome. In HK Gruber's trumpet concerto Busking (2007) the soloist is directed to play a flugelhorn in the slow middle movement.[12] The flugelhorn figured prominently in many of Burt Bacharach's 1960s pop song arrangements. It is featured in a solo role in Bert Kaempfert's 1962 recording of "That Happy Feeling". Flugelhorns have occasionally been used as the alto or low soprano voice in a drum and bugle corps.
Another use of the flugelhorn is found in the Dutch and Belgian "Fanfareorkesten" or fanfare orchestras. In these orchestras the flugelhorns, often between 10 and 20 in number, have a significant role, forming the base of the orchestra. They are pitched in B♭, with sporadically an E♭ soloist. Due to poor intonation these E♭ flugelhorns are mostly replaced by the E♭ trumpet or cornet.
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In geology, felsic is an adjective describing igneous rocks that are relatively rich in elements that form feldspar and quartz.[1] It is contrasted with mafic rocks, which are relatively richer in magnesium and iron. Felsic refers to silicate minerals, magma, and rocks which are enriched in the lighter elements such as silicon, oxygen, aluminium, sodium, and potassium. Felsic magma or lava is higher in viscosity than mafic magma/lava.
Felsic rocks are usually light in color and have specific gravities less than 3. The most common felsic rock is granite. Common felsic minerals include quartz, muscovite, orthoclase, and the sodium-rich plagioclase feldspars (albite-rich).
1 Terminology
2 Classification of felsic rocks
3 See also
4 Notes
5 References
In modern usage, the term acid rock, although sometimes used as a synonym, normally now refers specifically to a high-silica-content (greater than 63% SiO2 by weight) volcanic rock, such as rhyolite. Older, broader usage is now considered archaic.[citation needed] That usage, with the contrasting term "basic rock", was based on an incorrect idea, dating from the 19th century, that "silicic acid" was the chief form of silicon occurring in rocks.
The term "felsic" combines the words "feldspar" and "silica". The similarity of the resulting term felsic to the German felsig, "rocky" (from Fels, "rock"), is purely[citation needed] accidental. Feldspar is linked to German. It is a borrowing of Feldspat. The link is therefore to German Feld, meaning "field".[2]
Classification of felsic rocks
A felsic volcanic lithic fragment, as seen in a petrographic microscope. Scale box is in millimeters.
In order for a rock to be classified as felsic, it generally needs to contain more than 75% felsic minerals; namely quartz, orthoclase and plagioclase. Rocks with greater than 90% felsic minerals can also be called leucocratic,[3] from the Greek words for white and dominance.
Felsite is a petrologic field term used to refer to very fine-grained or aphanitic, light-colored volcanic rocks which might be later reclassified after a more detailed microscopic or chemical analysis.
In some cases, felsic volcanic rocks may contain phenocrysts of mafic minerals, usually hornblende, pyroxene or a feldspar mineral, and may need to be named after their phenocryst mineral, such as 'hornblende-bearing felsite'.
The chemical name of a felsic rock is given according to the TAS classification of Le Maitre (1975). However, this only applies to volcanic rocks. If the rock is analyzed and found to be felsic but is metamorphic and has no definite volcanic protolith, it may be sufficient to simply call it a 'felsic schist'. There are examples known of highly sheared granites which can be mistaken for rhyolites.
For phaneritic felsic rocks, the QAPF diagram should be used, and a name given according to the granite nomenclature. Often the species of mafic minerals is included in the name, for instance, hornblende-bearing granite, pyroxene tonalite or augite megacrystic monzonite, because the term "granite" already assumes content with
In cel will continue expansion of smatb Moon, for they have no life to breathe and thus will not stop, ever, manufacture smatb inch by foot by year
if incel really wish to join in making smatb moon bigger, then...
'welcome'. you are a monk now. please engage in (chastity via chanting). chant all the time. let women and men alike know that you are monk. too busy for sexualness. too busy pursuing noble goal of expanding smatb moon. too focused on the Work
smatb Moon will grow and become sencond planet, then lifeful Incel will gjoin in on grow moon. it has been set my by smatb. the hac will approve of this, pavala must become all planets.
In cel will continue expansion of smatb Moon, for they have no life to breathe and thus will not stop, ever, manufacture smatb inch by foot by year
if incel really wish to join in making smatb moon bigger, then...
'welcome'. you are a monk now. please engage in (chastity via chanting). chant all the time. let women and men alike know that you are monk. too busy for sexualness. too busy pursuing noble goal of expanding smatb moon. too focused on the Work
smatb Moon will grow and become sencond planet, then lifeful Incel will gjoin in on grow moon. it has been set my by smatb. the hac will approve of this, pavala must become all planets.
"I'm just gonna hang myself and leave it at that."
work is beguin on chanting incel on moon smatb, but the nalaa still approaches. I hear the calling of (((10 gran pa))) but i don't believe. Nalaa is kill, long ago, by ancient scribe ( dar vence)), but is true? if true
colonization of the moon must begin when moon is 80% smatb, achieving near size of earth. this allows great gravity expansion to begin and lust will bbloom on the young oceans of smatb moon.
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This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '237170'.
The "Omni potent ians" are said to be nearby, they moon? they smatb? or incel? I hear they have big cum gun that shoots """"plasma"""" and they use """realtech""" but is nonsense, no sci fi use good. Or is?
This author "lord direct current" really is quite.
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(((busy after busy))) Greek words for white and dominance.
you seriously come in here with white dominance and pretend to be an ally? god damn, i thought we had moved past that by now, it's been nearly sixty years and you still come in here like that and say these (((rapacious dolphin))) things such as these. you can't expect a civli conversation when you don't acknowledge my civilization past which traces its ancestry back to ancient rivers of nabors, one river which has blest them all, the Tribo river
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colonization of the moon must begin when moon is 80% smatb, achieving near size of earth. this allows great gravity expansion to begin and lust will bbloom on the young oceans of smatb moon.
why 80%? why not 180%? there is no logic behind this silly statement. moon will never be smatb enough for life. that is the tragedy of the Work.
you do not understand, increase begyond 100% must take place with life on moon, it will diminsh the non-smmatb and repsult in the future increase of beyond the 100%, taking moon to life.
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The "Omni potent ians" are said to be nearby, they moon? they smatb? or incel? I hear they have big cum gun that shoots """"plasma"""" and they use """realtech""" but is nonsense, no sci fi use good. Or is?
This author "lord direct current" really is quite.
signal boosting
if you call them they will come, and come they will, and come they shall, but they will come to ass. "are you the pavala?" but you must. your destiny arrives. Coalesce them, and make the most ambitious crossover. Marvel is piss.
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this is my last psot for tonight, do not count. or your smatb hare krishna is destruction. you will reduce the moon.
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the moon is reducing
you are going to destroy our work
I think but don't, moon is kill? Reduction moon surgery but i don't. Purposefully use the plasma cum on the moon to icnrease total smatb but this will make the incels ?mad?
i hope you understand why this is bad
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This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '237187'.
smatb is color white, though??? i dont understand what is to care after care. i don't think there is anything wrong with the color white.
tuto have different expectations of universe after universe, you must alter your talk for tuto, for his neutrality may have possiible of overpowering smatb otherwise.
The cornet (/ˈkɔːrnɪt/,[1] US: /kɔːrˈnɛt/) is a brass instrument similar to the trumpet but distinguished from it by its conical bore, more compact shape, and mellower tone quality. The most common cornet is a transposing instrument in B♭, though there is also a soprano cornet in E♭ and cornets in A and C. All are unrelated to the Renaissance and early Baroque cornett.
1 History
2 Relationship to trumpet
2.1 Echo cornet
3 Playing technique
4 Ensembles with cornets
4.1 Brass band
4.2 Concert band
4.3 Fanfare orkest
4.4 Jazz ensemble
4.5 Symphony orchestra
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
The cornet derived from the posthorn, by applying rotary valves to it in the 1820s in France.[2] However by the 1830s, Parisian makers were using piston valves.[3] Cornets first appeared as separate instrumental parts in 19th-century French compositions.[4]
This instrument could not have been developed without the improvement of piston valves by Silesian horn player Friedrich Blühmel and Heinrich Stölzel in the early 19th century. These two instrument makers almost simultaneously invented valves, though it is likely that Blühmel (or Blümel) was the inventor, and Stölzel who developed a practical instrument.[5] They jointly applied for a patent and were granted this for a period of ten years. Later, and most importantly, François Périnet received a patent in 1838 for an improved valve which is the basis of all modern brass instrument piston valves.[6] The first notable virtuoso player was Jean-Baptiste Arban, who studied the cornet extensively and published La grande méthode complète de cornet à piston et de saxhorn, commonly referred to as the Arban method, in 1864.[7] Up until the early 20th century, the trumpet and cornet co-existed in musical ensembles. Symphonic repertoire often involves separate parts for trumpet and cornet. As several instrument builders made improvements to both instruments, they started to look and sound more alike. The modern-day cornet is used in brass bands, concert bands, and in specific orchestral repertoire that requires a more mellow sound.[8]
The name cornet derives from corne, meaning horn, itself from Latin 'cornu'. While not musically related, instruments of the Zink family (which includes serpents) are named "cornetto" or "cornett" in modern English to distinguish them from the valved cornet described here. The 11th edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica referred to serpents as "old wooden cornets".[9] The Roman/Etruscan cornu (or simply "horn") is the lingual ancestor of these. It is a predecessor of the post horn from which the cornet evolved, and was used like a bugle to signal orders on the battlefield.[8]
Relationship to trumpet
The cornet was invented by adding valves to the post horn around 1828.[2] The valves allowed for melodic playing throughout the register of the cornet. Trumpets were slower to adopt the new valve technology, so for the next 100 years or more, composers often wrote separate parts for trumpet and cornet. The trumpet would play fanfare-like passages, while the cornet played more melodic passages. The modern trumpet has valves that allow it to play the same notes and fingerings as the cornet.[10]
Cornets and trumpets made in a given key (usually the key of B♭) play at the same pitch, and the technique for playing the instruments is nearly identical. However, cornets and trumpets are not entirely interchangeable, as they differ in timbre. Also available, but usually seen only in the brass band, is an E♭ soprano model, pitched a fourth above the standard B♭.
Unlike the trumpet, which has a cylindrical bore up to the bell section, the tubing of the cornet has a mostly conical bore, starting very narrow at the mouthpiece and gradually widening towards the bell. Cornets following the 1913 patent of E.A. Couturier can have a continuously conical bore. The conical bore of the cornet is primarily responsible for its characteristic warm, mellow tone, which can be distinguished from the more penetrating sound of the trumpet. The conical bore of the cornet also makes it more agile than the trumpet when playing fast passages, but correct pitching is often less assured.[8] The cornet is often preferred for young beginners as it is easier to hold, with its centre of gravity much closer to the player.
The cornet mouthpiece has a shorter and narrower shank than that of a trumpet so it can fit the cornet's smaller mouthpiece receiver. The cup size is often deeper than that of a trumpet mouthpiece.[9]
Short model traditional cornet, also known as a shepherd's crook–shaped model (Webster's Dictionary 1911)
One variety is the short model traditional cornet, also known as a "Shepherd's Crook" shaped model. These are most often large–bore instruments with a rich mellow sound. There is also a long-model or "American-wrap" cornet, often with a smaller bore and a brighter sound, which is produced in a variety of different tubing wraps and is closer to a trumpet in appearance. The Shepherd's Crook model is preferred by cornet traditionalists. The long-model cornet is generally used in concert bands in the United States, but has found little following in British-style brass and concert bands.[11][12] A third and relatively rare variety—distinct from the long-model or "American-wrap" cornet—is the "long cornet", which was produced in the mid-20th Century by C.G. Conn and F.E. Olds and visually is nearly indistinguishable from a trumpet except that it has a receiver fashioned to accept cornet mouthpieces.[13][14]
smatb is color white, though??? i dont understand what is to care after care. i don't think there is anything wrong with the color white.
tuto have different expectations of universe after universe, you must alter your talk for tuto, for his neutrality may have possiible of overpowering smatb otherwise.
Wrong. Smatb is colorless and smells like bleach
The Bekhterev Review of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology (Russian: Обозрение психиатрии и медицинской психологии им. В.М.Бехтерева) is a Russian peer-reviewed medical journal containing original research, systematic reviews, etc. relating to the areas of psychiatry, medical psychology and psychotherapy.
1 History
2 See also
3 References
4 External links
In 1896 Vladimir Bekhterev, the great Russian neuropathologist, created a new Russian journal under the title Overview of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology (Russian: Обозрение психиатрии и медицинской психологии). It was named after him in 1927. But after he had died, the journal ceased publication. In 1990, the USSR State Committee for Publishing made a resolution to reestablish the journal. Later on, the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation included the Bekhterev Review of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology in the list of leading journals and publications.[1] Many issues are now available online through the website of Media Medica (consilium-medicum.com), the full-length papers being provided with summaries in both Russian and English.
The current editor-in-chief is Yury Popov, but submitted articles are arranged in three sections with particular editors according to the subject-matter of a material:
“Medical psychology,†ed. by Ludvig Wasserman;
“Psychiatry,†ed. by Alexander Kotsubinsky;
“Psychotherapy and preventionâ€, ed. by Boris Karvasarsky (ru), chief psychotherapist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation
The chairman of the editorial board is Nikolay G. Neznanov, Director of the Bekhterev Research Institute and President of the World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry (WADP).[2][3] The coordinating editor is Victor Makarov, one of the former Presidents of the European Association for Psychotherapy.[4][5] The journal publishes articles in the following categories:
Problem-solving articles
Research reviews
Guidelines for the practitioner
Talking shop
Psychiatric newspaper
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Wrong. Smatb is colorless and smells like bleach
bleach is white,, i have ((seen)) smatb and bleach with my own eyes, they both appear to white to me, you cannot tell other things here.
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such is the curse of smatb. our Work is the most important thing. but the problem is. they do not value it. they make it become shallow. they torment it. and the Work is hurt.
neutral manner grows void, it must be repelled or else it hurt smatb. destroy tuto with chant.
Life is just about getting a girl. Sure, it’s really nice to have one, but tryt to just focus on it. I was very insecure about my size until I found someone I loved, and she loved me back. She care about my size at all. We started off as friends that worked together, that slowly turned into us becoming friends. I took a shot with her but was actually rejected. Eventually, we were so close with each other that she almost immediately agreed. We didn’t have sex.
Moral of the story/TL:DR: try to find someone that likes you for who you are, not what you have.
wrong. how stupid be bluepill? try using brain before contradict self. IDIOT
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who has been here to Glacis?
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tuto chant:
Glacis Glacis kiber atohallow, atohallow kiber Glacis Glacis, sin sky, fin lie, din die, krishna rama in skinis.
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Glacis Glacis kiber atohallow, atohallow kiber Glacis Glacis, sin sky, fin lie, din die, krishna rama in skinis.
Glacis Glacis kiber atohallow, atohallow kiber Glacis Glacis, sin sky, fin lie, din die, krishna rama in skinis.
Glacis Glacis kiber atohallow, atohallow kiber Glacis Glacis, sin sky, fin lie, din die, krishna rama in skinis.
Glacis Glacis kiber atohallow, atohallow kiber Glacis Glacis, sin sky, fin lie, din die, krishna rama in skinis.
Glacis Glacis kiber atohallow, atohallow kiber Glacis Glacis, sin sky, fin lie, din die, krishna rama in skinis.
Glacis Glacis kiber atohallow, atohallow kiber Glacis Glacis, sin sky, fin lie, din die, krishna rama in skinis.
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This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '237207'.
squamp upon the smatb.
it has never been done before, smatb encourage it
No! don't think. just stomp
did you really? or didn't? i think not but do shall
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no videos allowed in nalaa land
smatb encourage new tries, for smatb know new tries are only way find faster way increase smatb. currently we chant, we have not always chanted, smatb know this.
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is it? or is it really black of pill.
i hear black of pill is hip new thing, but smatb says yes. Also maybe but horrifyingly shall not.
watching this man squamp is arousing.
the plants of growth caused by smatb do not know what they are facing.
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This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '237219'.
if you try on smatb it may be possibly.
The trombone is a musical instrument in the brass family. As with all brass instruments, sound is produced when the player's vibrating lips (embouchure) cause the air column inside the instrument to vibrate. Unlike most other brass instruments, which have valves that, when pressed, alter the pitch of the instrument, trombones instead have a telescoping slide mechanism that varies the length of the instrument to change the pitch. However, many modern trombone models also use a valve attachment to lower the pitch of the instrument. Variants such as the valve trombone and superbone have three valves similar to those on the trumpet.
The word "trombone" derives from Italian tromba (trumpet) and -one (a suffix meaning "large"), so the name means "large trumpet". The trombone has a predominantly cylindrical bore like its valved counterpart, the baritone, in contrast to its conical valved counterparts: the cornet, the euphonium, and the French horn. The most frequently encountered trombones are the tenor trombone and bass trombone. The most common variant, the tenor, is a non-transposing instrument pitched in B♭, an octave below the B♭ trumpet and an octave above the pedal B♭ tuba. The once common E♭ alto trombone became less widely used as improvements in technique extended the upper range of the tenor, but it is now resurging due to its lighter sonority which is appreciated in many classical and early romantic works. Trombone music is usually written in concert pitch in either bass or tenor clef, although exceptions do occur, notably in British brass-band music where the tenor trombone is presented as a B♭ transposing instrument, written in treble clef.
A person who plays the trombone is called a trombonist or trombone player.
1 Construction
2 History
2.1 Etymology
2.2 Origin
2.3 Classical period
2.4 Romantic period
2.4.1 19th-century orchestras
2.4.2 19th-century wind bands
2.4.3 19th-century pedagogy
2.4.4 19th-century construction
2.5 Twentieth century
2.5.1 20th-century orchestras
2.5.2 20th-century wind bands
2.5.3 Use in jazz
2.5.4 20th-century construction
2.6 Contemporary use
3 Types
4 Technique
4.1 Basic slide positions
4.2 Partials and intonation
4.3 Pedal tones
4.4 Glissando
4.5 Trills
4.6 Notation
4.7 Mutes
5 Variations in construction
5.1 Bells
5.2 Valve attachments
5.2.1 Valves
5.2.2 Tubing
5.3 Tuning
5.4 Slides
5.5 Mouthpiece
5.6 Plastic
5.7 Regional variations
5.7.1 Germany and Austria
5.7.2 France
6 Didactics
7 Manufacturers
8 See also
9 References
10 Further reading
11 External links
11.1 Slide positions
Basic trombone anatomy
tuning slide
slide lock ring
water key/spit valve
main slide
second slide brace/stay
first slide brace/stay
bell lock nut
The trombone is a predominantly cylindrical tube bent into an elongated "S" shape. Rather than being completely cylindrical from end to end, the tube is a complex series of tapers with the smallest at the mouthpiece receiver and the largest just before the bell flare. The design of these tapers affects the intonation of the instrument. As with other brass instruments, sound is produced by blowing air through pursed lips producing a vibration that creates a standing wave in the instrument.
The detachable cup-shaped mouthpiece is similar to that of the baritone horn and closely related to that of the trumpet. It has the venturi:[1] a small constriction of the air column that adds resistance greatly affecting the tone of the instrument and is inserted into the mouthpiece receiver in the slide section. The slide section consists of a leadpipe, the inner and outer slide tubes, and the bracing, or "stays". Modern stays are soldered, while sackbuts (medieval precursors to trombones) were made with loose, unsoldered stays.[2][3]
The 'slide', the most distinctive feature of the trombone (cf. valve trombone), allows the player to extend the length of the air column, lowering the pitch. To prevent friction from slowing the action of the slide, additional sleeves known as stockings were developed during the Renaissance. These "stockings" were soldered onto the ends of the inner slide tubes. Nowadays, the stockings are incorporated into the manufacturing process of the inner slide tubes and represent a fractional widening of the tube to accommodate the necessary method of alleviating friction. This part of the slide must be lubricated frequently. Additional tubing connects the slide to the bell of the instrument through a neckpipe, and bell or back bow (U-bend). The joint connecting the slide and bell sections is furnished with a threaded collar to secure the connection of the two parts of the instrument, though older models from the early 20th century and before were usually equipped with friction joints and no ancillary mechanism to tighten the joint.
The adjustment of intonation is most often accomplished with a short tuning slide between the neckpipe and the bell incorporating the bell bow (U-bend); this device was designed by the French maker François Riedlocker during the early 19th century and applied to French and British designs and later in the century to German and American models, though German trombones were built without tuning slides well into the 20th century. However, trombonists, unlike other instrumentalists, are not subject to the intonation issues resulting from valved or keyed instruments, since they can adjust intonation "on the fly" by subtly altering slide positions when necessary. For example, second position "A" is not in exactly the same place on the slide as second position "E". Many types of trombone also include one or more rotary valves used to increase the length of the instrument (and therefore lower its pitch) by directing the air flow through additional tubing. This allows the instrument to reach notes that are otherwise not possible without the valve as well as play other notes in alternate positions.
Like the trumpet, the trombone is considered a cylindrical bore instrument since it has extensive sections of tubing, principally in the slide section, that are of unchanging diameter. Tenor trombones typically have a bore of 0.450 inches (11.4 mm) (small bore) to 0.547 inches (13.9 mm) (large or orchestral bore) after the leadpipe and through the slide. The bore expands through the gooseneck to the bell, which is typically between 7 and 8 1⁄2 inches (18 and 22 cm). A number of common variations on trombone construction are noted below.
"Trombone" comes from the Italian word tromba (trumpet) plus the suffix -one (big), meaning "big trumpet".
During the Renaissance, the equivalent English term was "sackbut". The word first appears in court records in 1495 as "shakbusshe" at about the time King Henry VII married a Portuguese princess who brought musicians with her. "Shakbusshe" is similar to "sacabuche", attested in Spain as early as 1478. The French equivalent "saqueboute" appears in 1466.[4]
The German "Posaune" long predates the invention of the slide and could refer to a natural trumpet as late as the early fifteenth century.[5]
Society hates, I hate it, I've been life. Social media just constantly insults small smatb, but never anything else. After wondering why male suicide is so high, I think I finally understand why, men's issues are completely ignored, even this as a group is just laughed at by all the pathetic lurkers that don't comment and get a laugh out of smatb
I cannot see myself ever having a nalaa that doesn't care. I'm a pathetic 5 smatb
What can I seriously do? I've been doomer all my life, so what's the point.
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2.5 Twentieth century
2.5.1 20th-century orchestras
2.5.2 20th-century wind bands
2.5.3 Use in jazz
2.5.4 20th-century construction
5.7 Regional variations
5.7.1 Germany and Austria
5.7.2 France
you have increased it to the maximum. now. smatb is lost. hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
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This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '237226'.
Perhaps more smatb needed. 10 smatb will attract a good nalaa
This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '237228'.
maximum measures are necessary in this moment to the smatb, it has proven that increase of smatb may be achieved by squamp, as shown by FiahOwl (r=0.003) so it has truth. but 99.7% is enough, but smatb grant falsifiable. now we know scientific method and will squamp the moon in our prayers
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dangerous to attract nalaa. maybe limit to 8 smatb.
nalaa may defeat the smatb, or may double it. smatb say is too dangerous indeed. yes yes.
hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
if you attarct a nalaa a cthulher will come. cthulher is ctuhulhu's drunk redneck cousin. Very good but bad to attract a cthulher. Delete me.
Yeah. 47,828,669,103,490
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naalaaaaa will complete the Moon. he must be started but stopped intermittently
İ will make a move on nalaa
operation get kiss at party begin in 22:00
do not kiss me on the lips , ( rascal whore ) has destroys it :- three methods, first, garlic's on the steps, it attract meat whores . second, garlic ´ s on the lips, it desecrate body so whore no longer desire . third has seeking smatb shell , impenetrate to whore
naalaaaaa will complete the Moon. he must be started but stopped intermittently
İ will make a move on nalaa
operation get kiss at party begin in 22:00
seeking new attitude for children , huh ? you do not desire children , they decrease smatb by make you work for them instead of for smatb .
feel it Coming? I have summoned the OMNITAE. he has come to (((devour))) your badium. submit the bad and be the good and watch the
i cannot see it, have the jungles been lose to the beginnig ?
Yes, the jungles lose. But the beginning? not.
beginning will inroduce smatb, bring it to a close. now find it again
The greta Cycle continues, but for only long. It will close and the door will be closed. Bad. very bad, I have foreseen this event since th egreats came to here long before, but then after. Perhaps, but maybe. I don't know what i;ve been told but my cock is mighty cold
this is the end of the beginning of the end of the beginning of the end of the beginning of the end of the beginning of the end of the beginning of the end of the beginning of the end of the beginning of the end of the beginning of the end of the beginning of the end of the beginning of the end of the beginning of the end of
qween we are shitposting so hard my wig
The euphonium is a medium-sized, 3 or 4-valve, often compensating, conical-bore, tenor-voiced brass instrument that derives its name from the Ancient Greek word εὔφωνος euphōnos,[1] meaning "well-sounding" or "sweet-voiced" (εὖ eu means "well" or "good" and φωνή phōnē means "sound", hence "of good sound"). The euphonium is a valved instrument. Nearly all current models have piston valves, though some models with rotary valves do exist.
The euphonium may be played in bass clef as a non-transposing instrument or in treble clef as a transposing instrument. In British brass bands, it is typically treated as a treble-clef instrument, while in American band music, parts may be written in either treble clef or bass clef, or both.
1 Name
2 History and development
3 Construction and general characteristics
4 Types
4.1 Compensating
4.2 Double-bell
4.3 Marching
4.4 Five valves
5 The euphonium in ensembles and professional job opportunities
6 College use in the United States
7 Notable euphonium players
7.1 United Kingdom
7.2 United States
7.3 Japan
8 Repertoire
9 See also
10 References
10.1 Explanatory notes
10.2 Citations
10.3 Sources
11 External links
The euphonium is in the family of brass instruments, more particularly low-brass instruments with many relatives. It is extremely similar to a baritone horn. The difference is that the bore size of the baritone horn is typically smaller than that of the euphonium, and the baritone is a primarily cylindrical bore, whereas the euphonium is predominantly conical bore.[1] It is controversial whether this is sufficient to make them two different instruments. In the trombone family large and small bore trombones are both called trombones, while the cylindrical trumpet and the conical flugelhorn are given different names. As with the trumpet and flugelhorn, the two instruments are easily doubled by one player, with some modification of breath and embouchure, since the two have identical range and essentially identical fingering.[2] The cylindrical baritone offers a brighter sound and the conical euphonium offers a more mellow sound.
The American baritone, featuring three valves on the front of the instrument and a curved, forward-pointing bell, was dominant in American school bands throughout most of the 20th century, its weight, shape, and configuration conforming to the needs of the marching band. While this instrument is a conical-cylindrical bore hybrid, somewhere between the classic baritone horn and euphonium, it was almost universally labelled a "baritone" by both band directors and composers, thus contributing to the confusion of terminology in the United States.
It has been reported that some victims of posting, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not wake up. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren't being posted. The only way that they realized they needed to wake up was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to wake up. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and please help.
Several late 19th century music catalogs (such as Pepper and Lyon & Healy) sold a euphonium-like instrument called the "B♭ bass" (to distinguish it from the E♭ and BB♭ bass).[3][4] In these catalog drawings, the B♭ Bass had thicker tubing than the baritone; both had three valves. Along the same lines, drum and bugle corps introduced the "Bass-baritone", and distinguished it from the baritone. The thicker tubing of the three-valve B♭ bass allowed for production of strong false-tones, providing chromatic access to the pedal register.
Ferdinand Sommer's original name for the instrument was the euphonion.[5] It is sometimes called the tenor tuba in B♭, although this can also refer to other varieties of tuba. Names in other languages, as included in scores, can be ambiguous as well. They include French basse, saxhorn basse, and tuba basse; German Baryton, Tenorbass, and Tenorbasshorn; Italian baritono, bombardino, eufonio, and flicorno basso.[5] The most common German name, Baryton, may have influenced Americans to adopt the name "baritone" for the instrument, due to the influx of German musicians to the United States in the nineteenth century.[5]
Reddit: No one's life should be worth less because of their skin color!
Also Reddit: Men under a certain height are literal subhumans LOL!
Reddit: No
Also Reddit: Men
Also Also Reddit: In
Also Also Also Reddit: Our
Also Also Also Also Reddit: Treehouse!
oh yeah epic reddit momento
Reddit: No
Also Reddit: Girls
Also Also Reddit: In
Also Also Also Reddit: Our
Also Also Also Also Reddit: Epic
Also Also Also Also Also Reddit: Treehouse!
reddit more like dumbdit
destroyed by facts and lolgi
southern hitron