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CNN mentioned about it, but wasn't going to post until they said what the discoveries were.
I half expected the exoplanets app on my iPad to update before they did, heh.
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CNN mentioned about it, but wasn't going to post until they said what the discoveries were.
I half expected the exoplanets app on my iPad to update before they did, heh.
Lmao. Are you going to watch?
Yea, not sure if they'll show it live on TV or just the live video on the site and the live video on the site isn't likely to be captioned.
Still, the NASA site will definetly update to it.
Okay, it's been freaking me out. It's "yeah" not "yea". :-\
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@deoxy: Okay.....
Also, look at the latest rweet, it says that they're announcing the first EARTH SIZED (not Super Earth, Earth size) planet around a sunlike star. I wonder how far away this particular sun is and whether that planet is in the habitable zone.
Edit: ninja'd by Fiah and boo, they're hot earths, but still. Also, they're in that same system with the larger planet in the habitable zone that was announced a few weeks ago.
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Can someone check if that system follows Bodes Law?
Also, nm, the other planet I was thinking of is Kepler 22b.
Speaking of this kind of thing, I, in fact, have something similar to this forming (or trying to form) in my accretion system. However, I've just passed the first phase, so time will tell, the closest one is about half Mercurys orbit though at 45 days orbit. And I have loads of smaller objects orbiting close in, wonder when those will get ejected :P
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Wow this system is really interesting. Sadly, the Kepler team is releasing all the interesting systems first. Once we reach Kepler-100 or so they're going to just be "meh another planet, so what?"
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I never said here, nor soon. Just, eventually. It might be 3 years before Kepler-100.
Name Mj Rj p a e i Status discovery last updated
Kepler-20 b 0.027 0.17 3.6961219 0.04537 < 0.32 86.5 R 2011 21/12/11
Kepler-20 c 0.051 0.27 10.854092 0.093 < 0.4 88.39 R 2011 21/12/11
Kepler-20 d 0.06 0.25 77.61185 0.3453 < 0.6 89.57 R 2011 21/12/11
Kepler-20 e 0.0097 0.87 6.098493 0.0507 - 87.5 R 2011 21/12/11
Kepler-20 f 0.045 0.09 19.57706 0.11 - 88.68 R 2011 21/12/11
Yay, no headers for the data! But seriously, what does everything mean?
I tried putting them but I didn't want to reformat them cause they came out wierd.
Name, mass, radius, period, a, e, i, Status, year of discovery, info last updated
KOI-55 b 0.014 0.068 0.2401 0.006 - - R 2011 22/12/11
KOI-55 c 0.0021 0.078 0.34289 0.0076 - - R 2011 22/12/11
More sub-Earths :D
Small habitual planets would be fun to jump up and down like Kelper 20e but a large planet like Kelper20f would be boring. Btw, are the pictures to scale? (The reflections are so fake)
A habitible planet around a blackhole would be cool
Wow this system is really interesting. Sadly, the Kepler team is releasing all the interesting systems first. Once we reach Kepler-100 or so they're going to just be "meh another planet, so what?"
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Lol are u on the kepler team? Kepler is just find all systems right?
The shadow looks to sudden. That's why it looked fake
Picture=not so time
What so you mean by that?
Wow this system is really interesting. Sadly, the Kepler team is releasing all the interesting systems first. Once we reach Kepler-100 or so they're going to just be "meh another planet, so what?"
Er, we release the systems we find to the public as we find them.
Nope. There's 2000+ planet candidates at this moment. Releasing data on 1 or 2 systems a month... That's not "as we find them." As of last year, there were about 700. When we only had up to Kepler-8 b.
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Which they can choose which candidates to get radial velocity data on to find the mass, and thus confirm. ;)
The Kepler team isn't going by random.
A habitible planet around a blackhole would be cool
Not if you lived on it.
But the planet is habitable!
Actually that's impossible as the habitable zone for the black hole would be inside the black hole, as while a black hole is extremely hot (billions kelvin), it emits very little heat, so there would be no sensible habitable zone.
Exactly, and the life and the planet would probably get sucked into the black hole.
Additionally, during the main sequence, those kinds of stars are extremely hot and short-living, and it takes far more than seven million years to even develop a planetary system!