I'm in special ed so I MUST be retardedSociety sucks, I know how you feel. Even though less than half I can actually relate to.
I have ADD/ADHD so i CAN'T Sit still
I am a gay rights supporter so i MUST be going to hell
I believe less then .1% of muslims were responsible for 9/11 so i MUST be un-patriotic
I beleive kingdoms are the stongest type of government s i MUST be un-american
More than 1/2 of my friends are women so I MUST be gay
I have speech therapy so I CAN'T talk properly
I want to be an astrophysics professer so i MUST have no life
I am agnostic and sometimes cahtolic so i MUST be confused
I'm OVERWEIGHT, so I MUST have a problem with self control
I don't like to be in a BIG GROUP, so I MUST be anti-social
I am AMERICAN so I MUST be obese, loud-mouthed and arrogant
I’m not the most POPULAR person in school, so I MUST be a loser
I always think of death, so i MUST die early in the future
I like READING, so I MUST be a LONER
All my friends are Asian so I WANT to feel smart
Hello, I'm a gay atheist Communist. 99.99% of Earth's population probably hates me. How exciting. :)Really? You're gay? That's interesting. :)
Yes, stereotypes are stupid.
Really? You're gay? That's interesting. :)Late news.
Hello, I'm a gay atheist Communist. 99.99% of Earth's population probably hates me. How exciting. :)
That means I am a straight, agnostic and imperialist. I still support gays even though I live in a neighborhood that doesn't really like gays and live no where near the bible belt. I live in NY
What? When has he said that before? ???Somewhere around in 2008.
Yes, so I assume this doesn't count anymore?Hello, I'm a gay atheist Communist. 99.99% of Earth's population probably hates me. How exciting. :)Really? You're gay? That's interesting. :)
Yes, stereotypes are stupid.
I don't like the ideology of being gay, it just bothers me.
pretty much everyone