Universe Sandbox
General Category => Everything Else => Topic started by: atomic7732 on December 17, 2010, 10:04:53 AM
Google is making the Chrome OS, and if I get selected, I get to test it! My dad let me! YAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYAAYYAYA
Chrome... OS, you say?
Yes. ;D
Operating System.
Operating System.
Bad tasting. I've tried it. :P
I know what OS means bro.
Oh lord.
We shall talk in acronyms or shorthand.
acronyms shorthand lord
omg, iirc, this OS is made by Google, wtf bro?
j00 go away, ur not in this, UMO!
Thanks Darv for clearing that up for us.
I hope I get chosen.
oh my go(sh)d
if i recall correctly
what the f(something)ooge