Universe Sandbox

General Category => Everything Else => Topic started by: atomic7732 on August 13, 2017, 06:20:33 PM

Title: Cyclones of Házélé [10-12]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 13, 2017, 06:20:33 PM
Uqe Ocean

Cyclones in the Uqe are forecasted and warned on under the responsibility of the Soleani Cyclone Center, located in Saelunavvk, Solea. Around 11 cyclones form annually. Cyclones in this region can affect eastern Amalthea, mostly the countries of Auspikitan, Solea, and the Serkr Archipelago. A few cyclones may also affect Bongatar. Uqe cyclones are named sequentially from a continuous list of provided by various Amalthean nations and are sorted by ethnolinguistic group. Names are rotated between four groups: North Amalthean, Auspik, Serkr-Auspik, and Serkr-Saguan. Cyclones in the Uqe are called «šunokika» regionally.

N AmaltheanAuspikSerkr-AuspikSerkr-Saguan

Intensity scale

For the purposes of the sim, all simulated seasons use the following scale, which is based on Earth cyclone scales. Tropical cyclones which reach intensities of 34 kts or greater will receive a name.

ikpagaTropical Depression≤33 ktswhite
ikpagaTropical Storm34-47 ktsyellow
ikpaga nákaSevere Tropical Storm48-63 ktsyellow-orange
Å¡unokįkaTropical Cyclone64-95 ktsorange
Å¡unokįka nákaIntense Tropical Cyclone96-136 ktsred
Å¡unokįka idapaVery Intense Tropical Cyclone≥137 ktspurple

Ganuo Sea

Cyclones forming west of Amalthea, in and around the Hac-Ganuo region, are tracked and forecasted by <idk ask dar>. Around 7 cyclones form in this region annually.


Interpreting the images

Dates in the upper right corner refer to the year and month of the sea surface temperature data being used. "Months" last 15 days since the Pavalan year is about half as long as an Earth year, so the day after 2017-01-15 is 2017-02-01.

Black contours represent mean sea level pressure at 2 hPa spacing. This shows the location of highs and low which influence the motion of tropical disturbances and cyclones.
Red contours represent shear with 5 kt spacing. Shear will prevent the formation of tropical cyclones and weaken (or hinder intensification of) existing cyclones.

At the beginning of the simulation, there are no highs, lows, or regions of shear.

Cyclones of Házélé will be updated daily around 0z to facilitate the immersion in the world of Pavala... and its cyclones.
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé
Post by: atomic7732 on August 13, 2017, 06:23:34 PM
Day 1

(http://i.imgur.com/FAHzjFI.png) (http://i.imgur.com/FAHzjFI.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - E'po
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé
Post by: blotz on August 13, 2017, 06:26:42 PM
why is 999 on land
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé
Post by: atomic7732 on August 13, 2017, 06:28:29 PM
tropical waves/disturbances are numbered counting down from 999 and they are free to move wherever they want in my sim, they won't become cyclones over land cause their organization won't increase, except cyclones can form over land in certain cases where an already organized system moves inland
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-01]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 14, 2017, 10:22:14 PM
Day 2

(http://i.imgur.com/D8ty2Q7.png) (http://i.imgur.com/D8ty2Q7.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - E'po
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-02]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 15, 2017, 04:06:12 PM
Day 3

(http://i.imgur.com/6hAzBSd.png) (http://i.imgur.com/6hAzBSd.png)

uhh... lol

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 998
~60% (moderate) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 30 kts
Size - 0.94x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.59C
Shear - 2.37 kts   

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - E'po
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-03]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 16, 2017, 07:19:38 PM
Day 4

(http://i.imgur.com/7Uw5KgP.png) (http://i.imgur.com/7Uw5KgP.png)

ok a thing now

Active cyclones (1)

ikpaga e'po (Tropical Storm E'po)
Winds - 43 kts
Pressure - 997 hPa
Size - 0.94x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.50C
Shear - 11.24 kts   

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Tropical StormE'po43 kts997 hPa0.94x1996-06-03 12zactive

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-04]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 17, 2017, 04:36:33 PM
Day 5

(http://i.imgur.com/To9xl6K.png) (http://i.imgur.com/To9xl6K.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance Ex-01G
~60% (moderate) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 30 kts
Size - 1.01x
Sea Surface Temperature - 28.82C
Shear - 18.87 kts   

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-04]
Post by: Darvince on August 17, 2017, 06:25:37 PM
ayyy ganuo island
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-05]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 18, 2017, 09:22:31 PM
Day 6

(http://i.imgur.com/nwhiQGA.png) (http://i.imgur.com/nwhiQGA.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-06]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 19, 2017, 08:07:51 PM
Day 7

(http://i.imgur.com/srnqHMM.png) (http://i.imgur.com/srnqHMM.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-06]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 20, 2017, 04:00:45 PM
Day 8

(http://i.imgur.com/TQgVLGI.png) (http://i.imgur.com/TQgVLGI.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-08]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 21, 2017, 09:56:14 PM
Day 9

(http://i.imgur.com/AiHD8H4.png) (http://i.imgur.com/AiHD8H4.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-09]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 22, 2017, 09:15:24 PM
Day 10

(http://i.imgur.com/lxSvQsH.png) (http://i.imgur.com/lxSvQsH.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-09]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 23, 2017, 05:17:46 PM
Day 11

(http://i.imgur.com/BMAx5aZ.png) (http://i.imgur.com/BMAx5aZ.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 996
~0% (near zero) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 20 kts
Size - 1.00x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.40C
Shear - 1.38 kts   

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-11]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 24, 2017, 04:43:51 PM
Day 12

(http://i.imgur.com/69d3D5K.png) (http://i.imgur.com/69d3D5K.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 996
~30% (low) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 25 kts
Size - 1.00x
Sea Surface Temperature - 28.37C
Shear - 0.65 kts   

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-12]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 26, 2017, 10:01:12 AM
Day 13

(http://i.imgur.com/vdVW0le.png) (http://i.imgur.com/vdVW0le.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 996
~60% (moderate) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 30 kts
Size - 1.00x
Sea Surface Temperature - 25.50C
Shear - 0.91 kts   

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-13]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 27, 2017, 01:47:26 AM
Day 14

(http://i.imgur.com/4mfzReV.png) (http://i.imgur.com/4mfzReV.png)

Active cyclones (1)

ikpaga 01q (Tropical Depression 01Q)
Latitude - 31.5 deg N
Lonitude - 146.4 deg E
Winds - 23 kts
Pressure - Unknown
Size - 1.00x
Sea Surface Temperature - 22.25C
Shear - 5.19 kts   

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 00z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-14]
Post by: FiahOwl on August 27, 2017, 08:12:32 AM

This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '182571'.

Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-14]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 27, 2017, 10:07:16 AM
the first 15 days of the epac and atl seasons this year had one storm (on the 15th day), so this is actually fairly reasonable
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-14]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 27, 2017, 05:50:59 PM
Day 15

(http://i.imgur.com/4OLy0cN.png) (http://i.imgur.com/4OLy0cN.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [06-15]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 28, 2017, 09:43:18 PM
Day 16

(http://i.imgur.com/Q88D4iR.png) (http://i.imgur.com/Q88D4iR.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-01]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 29, 2017, 07:02:02 PM
Day 17

(http://i.imgur.com/o8m6BOA.png) (http://i.imgur.com/o8m6BOA.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 995
~30% (low) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 25 kts
Size - 1.38x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.45C
Shear - 1.61 kts   

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-02]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 30, 2017, 07:02:59 PM
Day 18

(http://i.imgur.com/URV29ew.png) (http://i.imgur.com/URV29ew.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 995
~60% (moderate) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 30 kts
Size - 1.38x
Sea Surface Temperature - 28.80C
Shear - 0.50 kts   

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-02]
Post by: atomic7732 on August 31, 2017, 07:29:25 PM
Day 19

(http://i.imgur.com/hsfcDF9.png) (http://i.imgur.com/hsfcDF9.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 995
~90% (very high) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 40 kts
Size - 1.38x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.17C
Shear - 4.35 kts   

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Penpa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-02]
Post by: FiahOwl on August 31, 2017, 09:32:33 PM

This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '182660'.

Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-04]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 02, 2017, 06:42:28 PM
Day 20

(http://i.imgur.com/YT7trz6.png) (http://i.imgur.com/YT7trz6.png)

Active cyclones (1)

ikpaga náka penpa (Severe Tropical Storm Penpa)
Latitude - 16.9 deg N
Lonitude - 99.0 deg E
Winds - 50 kts
Pressure - Unknown
Size - 1.38x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.27C
Shear - 11.90 kts   

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Sekasa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-04]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 02, 2017, 06:57:19 PM
Day 21

(http://i.imgur.com/1kG4h4S.png) (http://i.imgur.com/1kG4h4S.png)

Active cyclones (2)

ikpaga náka penpa (Severe Tropical Storm Penpa)
Latitude - 20.8 deg N
Lonitude - 94.7 deg E
Winds - 63 kts
Pressure - 983 hPa
Size - 129 nmi (1.38x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.59C
Shear - 21.79 kts

ikpaga 02q (Tropical Depression 02Q)
Latitude - 15.7 deg N 15.67N,142.74E
Lonitude - 142.7 deg E
Winds - 30 kts
Pressure - Unknown
Size - 1.03x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.66C
Shear - 0.06 kts

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z

Next Uqe name - Stislaun
Next Ganuo name - Sekasa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-06]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 03, 2017, 04:38:16 PM
Day 22

(http://i.imgur.com/LaDb8Jp.png) (http://i.imgur.com/LaDb8Jp.png)

Active cyclones (1)

ikpaga náka penpa (Severe Tropical Storm Penpa)
Latitude - 25.6 deg N
Lonitude - 93.0 deg E
Winds - 60 kts
Pressure - 979 hPa
Size - 128 nmi (1.39x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 27.83C
Shear - 28.15 kts

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00zActive
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z

Next Uqe name - Kotheket
Next Ganuo name - Sekasa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-07]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 04, 2017, 08:23:16 PM
Day 23

(http://i.imgur.com/RwrjaYj.png) (http://i.imgur.com/RwrjaYj.png)

Active cyclones (1)

ikpaga penpa (Tropical Storm Penpa)
Latitude - 29.7 deg N
Lonitude - 93.5 deg E
Winds - 42 kts
Pressure - 992 hPa
Size - 117 nmi (1.62x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 25.19C
Shear - 26.61 kts

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00zActive
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z

Next Uqe name - Kotheket
Next Ganuo name - Sekasa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-07]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 07, 2017, 09:00:00 PM
Day 24

(http://i.imgur.com/bGpL8Zm.png) (http://i.imgur.com/bGpL8Zm.png)

Active cyclones (1)

ikpaga penpa (Tropical Depression Penpa)
Latitude - 31.9 deg N
Lonitude - 93.7 deg E
Winds - 31 kts
Pressure - Unknown
Size - 1.91x
Sea Surface Temperature - 23.25C
Shear - 14.36 kts

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00zActive
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z

Next Uqe name - Kotheket
Next Ganuo name - Sekasa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-07]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 07, 2017, 09:02:33 PM
Day 25

(http://i.imgur.com/jg7GSS2.png) (http://i.imgur.com/jg7GSS2.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z

Next Uqe name - Kotheket
Next Ganuo name - Sekasa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-07]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 07, 2017, 09:05:33 PM
Day 26

(http://i.imgur.com/s1ZKbMu.png) (http://i.imgur.com/s1ZKbMu.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 993
~30% (low) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 25 kts
Size - 0.97x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.53C
Shear - 0.04 kts   

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z

Next Uqe name - Kotheket
Next Ganuo name - Sekasa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-11]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 14, 2017, 06:25:02 PM
will edit later


Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-11]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 14, 2017, 06:25:28 PM

Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-11]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 14, 2017, 06:25:54 PM

Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-11]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 14, 2017, 06:26:43 PM

Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-11]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 14, 2017, 06:27:12 PM

Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-11]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 14, 2017, 06:27:40 PM
this is for the 13th so i'll post two tomorrow

Day 32

(https://i.imgur.com/4VEf2rD.png) (https://i.imgur.com/4VEf2rD.png)

Active cyclones (1)

ikpaga 04G (Tropical Depression 04G)
Latitude - 19.4 deg N
Lonitude - 97.4 deg E
Winds - 30 kts
Pressure - Unknown
Size - 0.76x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.4C
Shear - 6 kts

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00zActive
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z

Next Uqe name - Kotheket
Next Ganuo name - Sekasa
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-11]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 16, 2017, 10:41:34 PM

Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [07-11]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 16, 2017, 10:44:03 PM
this is for the 15th so i'll post two tomorrow

Day 34

(https://i.imgur.com/hdlNWv7.png) (https://i.imgur.com/hdlNWv7.png)

Active cyclones (1)

ikpaga sekasa (Tropical Storm Sekasa)
Latitude - 30.0 deg N
Lonitude - 90.8 deg E
Winds - 43 kts
Pressure - 1003 hPa
Size - 54 nmi (0.78x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 25.2C
Shear - 18 kts

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00zActive
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z

Next Uqe name - Kotheket
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [08-04]
Post by: FiahOwl on September 16, 2017, 11:35:27 PM

This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '182852'.

Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [08-04]
Post by: Darvince on September 17, 2017, 12:31:53 AM
wow the big ganuo island has been lucky so far
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [08-04]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 17, 2017, 03:47:34 PM

Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [08-04]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 17, 2017, 03:55:17 PM
we caught up now

Day 36

(https://i.imgur.com/rjHSgXE.png) (https://i.imgur.com/rjHSgXE.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 990
~0% (very low) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 20 kts
Size - 0.64x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.0C
Shear - 3 kts   

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00zActive
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z

Next Uqe name - Kotheket
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [08-04]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 18, 2017, 11:43:08 PM
Day 37

(https://i.imgur.com/CqlizrZ.png) (https://i.imgur.com/CqlizrZ.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 990
~0% (very low) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 20 kts
Size - 0.64x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.0C
Shear - 2 kts   

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00zActive
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z

Next Uqe name - Kotheket
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [08-07]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 23, 2017, 11:55:01 AM
Day 38

(https://i.imgur.com/QafEJUB.png) (https://i.imgur.com/QafEJUB.png)

Active cyclones (1)

ikpaga kotheket (Tropical Storm Kotheket)
Latitude - 14.1 deg N
Lonitude - 147.0 deg E
Winds - 35 kts
Pressure - Unknown
Size - (0.64x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.3C
Shear - 3 kts

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00zActive
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [08-07]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 23, 2017, 12:03:03 PM
Day 39 (20th irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/fBLcXta.png) (https://i.imgur.com/fBLcXta.png)

Active cyclones (1)

ikpaga náka kotheket (Severe Tropical Storm Kotheket)
Latitude - 15.7 deg N
Lonitude - 140.8 deg E
Winds - 57 kts
Pressure - 996 hPa
Size - 55 nmi (0.64x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.7C
Shear - 9 kts

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00zActive
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [08-09]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 25, 2017, 09:20:25 PM
Day 40

(https://i.imgur.com/d5BgINF.png) (https://i.imgur.com/d5BgINF.png)

Active cyclones (1)

ikpaga kotheket (Tropical Depression Kotheket)
Latitude - 17.6 deg N
Lonitude - 134.1 deg E
Winds - 26 kts
Pressure - Unknown
Size - 0.74x
Sea Surface Temperature - null
Shear - 13 kts

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00zActive
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [08-09]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 25, 2017, 09:23:37 PM
Day 41

(https://i.imgur.com/X72qqw3.png) (https://i.imgur.com/X72qqw3.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [08-09]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 25, 2017, 09:25:42 PM
Day 42 (23rd irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/aFobgK2.png) (https://i.imgur.com/aFobgK2.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [08-12]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 26, 2017, 05:37:19 PM
Day 43

(https://i.imgur.com/RmnJAXv.png) (https://i.imgur.com/RmnJAXv.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [08-12]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 26, 2017, 05:39:02 PM
Day 44 (25th irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/33UVvk0.png) (https://i.imgur.com/33UVvk0.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [08-12]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 28, 2017, 11:20:34 PM
Day 45

(https://i.imgur.com/uDtz99E.png) (https://i.imgur.com/uDtz99E.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 988
~0% (very low) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 20 kts
Size - 0.95x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.3C
Shear - 5 kts

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [08-12]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 28, 2017, 11:23:10 PM
Day 46 (27th irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/4GLUcRq.png) (https://i.imgur.com/4GLUcRq.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance Ex-Kotheket
~0% (very low) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 20 kts
Size - 0.74x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.6C
Shear - 1 kt

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-01]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 29, 2017, 11:21:05 PM
Day 47

(https://i.imgur.com/uoeeISj.png) (https://i.imgur.com/uoeeISj.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-01]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 29, 2017, 11:22:39 PM
Day 48

(https://i.imgur.com/TMtAWl3.png) (https://i.imgur.com/TMtAWl3.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-03]
Post by: Darvince on September 30, 2017, 04:43:11 AM
wtf is that massive high pressure
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-03]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 01, 2017, 07:05:22 PM
Day 49

(https://i.imgur.com/AgAH3az.png) (https://i.imgur.com/AgAH3az.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-03]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 01, 2017, 07:07:46 PM
Day 50

(https://i.imgur.com/rr1h8Gq.png) (https://i.imgur.com/rr1h8Gq.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-05]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 02, 2017, 11:59:17 PM
Day 51

(https://i.imgur.com/nsmKInE.png) (https://i.imgur.com/nsmKInE.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-06]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 03, 2017, 11:30:35 PM
Day 52

(https://i.imgur.com/9I2yEi3.png) (https://i.imgur.com/9I2yEi3.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 986
~0% (very low) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 20 kts
Size - 0.66x
Sea Surface Temperature - 28.3C
Shear - 1 kt

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-07]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 04, 2017, 09:38:00 PM
Day 53

(https://i.imgur.com/EF0nJbd.png) (https://i.imgur.com/EF0nJbd.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 986
~30% (low) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 25 kts
Size - 0.66x
Sea Surface Temperature - 28.5C
Shear - 0 kt

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-07]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 06, 2017, 12:01:36 AM
Day 54

(https://i.imgur.com/AF8HKyT.png) (https://i.imgur.com/AF8HKyT.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-07]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 06, 2017, 03:04:50 PM
Day 55

(https://i.imgur.com/0KzUIzE.png) (https://i.imgur.com/0KzUIzE.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-10]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 07, 2017, 03:08:06 PM
Day 56

(https://i.imgur.com/rZSCmNh.png) (https://i.imgur.com/rZSCmNh.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-10]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 08, 2017, 11:18:23 PM
Day 57

(https://i.imgur.com/uLK19Tk.png) (https://i.imgur.com/uLK19Tk.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-12]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 10, 2017, 10:10:37 PM
Day 58

(https://i.imgur.com/rKduZF3.png) (https://i.imgur.com/rKduZF3.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-12]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 10, 2017, 10:12:46 PM
Day 59

(https://i.imgur.com/gtEjZ4Y.png) (https://i.imgur.com/gtEjZ4Y.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 985
~30% (low) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 25 kts
Size - 0.77x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.0C
Shear - 1 kt

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-12]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 14, 2017, 02:13:30 AM
Day 60

(https://i.imgur.com/NjyF7Jl.png) (https://i.imgur.com/NjyF7Jl.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 985
~75% (high) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 35 kts
Size - 0.77x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.1C
Shear - 0 kt

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Atawsekwi
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [09-12]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 14, 2017, 02:16:24 AM
Day 61 (12th irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/tvafKop.png) (https://i.imgur.com/tvafKop.png)

Active cyclones (1)

ikpaga atawsekwi (Tropical Storm Atawsekwi)
Latitude - 9.6 deg N
Lonitude - 146.5 deg E
Winds - 40 kts
Pressure - Unknown
Size - 0.77x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.3C
Shear - 0 kts

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Ahueska
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-01]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 15, 2017, 01:59:20 AM
Day 62 (13th irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/PAW55dq.png) (https://i.imgur.com/PAW55dq.png)

Active cyclones (1)

Å¡unokįka atawsekwi (Tropical Cyclone Atawsekwi)
Latitude - 11.1 deg N
Lonitude - 140.7 deg E
Winds - 81 kts
Pressure - 979 hPa
Size - 85 nmi (0.77x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.3C
Shear - 5 kts

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Ahueska
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-01]
Post by: FiahOwl on October 15, 2017, 11:04:42 AM

This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '183336'.

Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-01]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 15, 2017, 07:07:11 PM
Day 63 (14th irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/IQHzlMa.png) (https://i.imgur.com/IQHzlMa.png)

Active cyclones (1)

Å¡unokįka náka atawsekwi (Intense Tropical Cyclone Atawsekwi)
Latitude - 14.0 deg N
Lonitude - 135.0 deg E
Winds - 100 kts
Pressure - 964 hPa
Size - 96 nmi (0.77x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.6C
Shear - 14 kts

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Ahueska
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-01]
Post by: FiahOwl on October 15, 2017, 07:20:39 PM

This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '183340'.

Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-01]
Post by: Darvince on October 15, 2017, 10:00:10 PM

Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-01]
Post by: tuto99 on October 16, 2017, 02:19:04 AM
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-01]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 17, 2017, 12:41:56 PM
Day 64 (15th irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/LMJqF1b.png) (https://i.imgur.com/LMJqF1b.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z

Next Uqe name - Ahueska
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-01]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 17, 2017, 06:05:03 PM
Day 65 (16th irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/ay4VVxv.png) (https://i.imgur.com/ay4VVxv.png)

Active cyclones (0)

Tropical Disturbance 983
~75% (high) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 35 kts
Size - 0.77x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.9C
Shear - 3 kt

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z
Intense Tropical CycloneAtawsekwi100 kts964 hPa0.77x (96 nmi)1996-10-01 00z1996-10-03-18z

Next Uqe name - Ahueska
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-01]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 18, 2017, 11:41:23 PM
Day 66 (17th irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/UprMvGS.png) (https://i.imgur.com/UprMvGS.png)

Active cyclones (1)

ikpaga náka ahueska (Severe Tropical Storm Ahueska)
Latitude - 23.3 deg N
Lonitude - 150.3 deg E
Winds - 53 kts
Pressure - 996 hPa
Size - 63 nmi (0.77x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.5C
Shear - 10 kts

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z
Intense Tropical CycloneAtawsekwi100 kts964 hPa0.77x (96 nmi)1996-10-01 00z1996-10-03-18z

Next Uqe name - Ketsei
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-06]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 19, 2017, 07:49:24 PM
Day 67 (18th irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/8zXmVgw.png) (https://i.imgur.com/8zXmVgw.png)

Active cyclones (1)

ikpaga náka ahueska (Severe Tropical Storm Ahueska)
Latitude - 27.6 deg N
Lonitude - 150.8 deg E
Winds - 56 kts
Pressure - 991 hPa
Size - 67 nmi (0.78x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 26.9C
Shear - 16 kts

Tropical Disturbance 991
~0% (very low) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 20 kts
Size - 0.61x
Sea Surface Temperature - 23.6C
Shear - 0 kt

Tropical Disturbance 982
~0% (very low) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 20 kts
Size - 1.16x
Sea Surface Temperature - 28.0C
Shear - 0 kt

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z
Intense Tropical CycloneAtawsekwi100 kts964 hPa0.77x (96 nmi)1996-10-01 00z1996-10-03-18z

Next Uqe name - Ketsei
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-06]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 20, 2017, 02:17:30 PM
Day 68 (19th irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/HOgu1C1.png) (https://i.imgur.com/HOgu1C1.png)

Active cyclones (2)

ikpaga ahueska (Tropical Storm Ahueska)
Latitude - 30.6 deg N
Lonitude - 153.9 deg E
Winds - 44 kts
Pressure - 1002 hPa
Size - 63 nmi (0.86x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 22.7C
Shear - 13 kts

ikpaga ketsei (Tropical Storm Ketsei)
Latitude - 11.4 deg N
Lonitude - 176.0 deg E
Winds - 39 kts
Pressure - 1000 hPa
Size - 72 nmi (1.16x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 27.9C
Shear - 0 kts

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z
Intense Tropical CycloneAtawsekwi100 kts964 hPa0.77x (96 nmi)1996-10-01 00z1996-10-03-18z

Next Uqe name - Akani
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-08]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 24, 2017, 11:49:30 PM
Day 69 (20th irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/wlqQpk8.png) (https://i.imgur.com/wlqQpk8.png)

Active cyclones (2)

ikpaga ahueska (Tropical Depression Ahueska)
Latitude - 30.6 deg N
Lonitude - 153.9 deg E
Winds - 26 kts
Pressure - Unknown
Size - 1.00x
Sea Surface Temperature - 21.1C
Shear - 9 kts

ikpaga náka ketsei (Severe Tropical Storm Ketsei)
Latitude - 11.4 deg N
Lonitude - 176.0 deg E
Winds - 61 kts
Pressure - 989 hPa
Size - 106 nmi (1.16x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 28.0C
Shear - 1 kt

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z
Intense Tropical CycloneAtawsekwi100 kts964 hPa0.77x (96 nmi)1996-10-01 00z1996-10-03-18z

Next Uqe name - Akani
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-08]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 25, 2017, 09:19:04 PM
Day 70 (21st irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/2SujJHZ.png) (https://i.imgur.com/2SujJHZ.png)

Active cyclones (1)

Å¡unokįka ketsei (Tropical Cyclone Ketsei)
Latitude - 12.9 deg N
Lonitude - 165.3 deg E
Winds - 78 kts
Pressure - 981 hPa
Size - 125 nmi (1.16x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 28.3C
Shear - 2 kt

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z
Intense Tropical CycloneAtawsekwi100 kts964 hPa0.77x (96 nmi)1996-10-01 00z1996-10-03-18z
Severe Tropical StormAhueska57 kts990 hPa0.77x (67 nmi)1996-10-05 06z1996-10-09-06z

Next Uqe name - Akani
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-08]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 26, 2017, 10:18:06 PM
Day 71 (22nd irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/HyyoVtf.png) (https://i.imgur.com/HyyoVtf.png)

Active cyclones (1)

Å¡unokįka ketsei (Tropical Cyclone Ketsei)
Latitude - 14.2 deg N
Lonitude - 158.6 deg E
Winds - 77 kts
Pressure - 985 hPa
Size - 127 nmi (1.18x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 28.8C
Shear - 0 kt

Tropical Disturbance Ex-Atawsekwi
~0% (very low) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 20 kts
Size - 1.10x
Sea Surface Temperature - 27.4C
Shear - 13 kt

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z
Intense Tropical CycloneAtawsekwi100 kts964 hPa0.77x (96 nmi)1996-10-01 00z1996-10-03-18z
Severe Tropical StormAhueska57 kts990 hPa0.77x (67 nmi)1996-10-05 06z1996-10-09-06z

Next Uqe name - Akani
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-08]
Post by: Darvince on October 26, 2017, 10:18:58 PM
why is it not strengthening
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-08]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 26, 2017, 10:20:07 PM
eyewall replacement cycle

it was actually 88 kts at 06z
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-08]
Post by: atomic7732 on October 30, 2017, 10:39:22 PM
Day 72 (23rd irl)

(https://i.imgur.com/sIIsnda.png) (https://i.imgur.com/sIIsnda.png)

Active cyclones (1)

Å¡unokįka ketsei (Tropical Cyclone Ketsei)
Latitude - 15.6 deg N
Lonitude - 150.9 deg E
Winds - 62 kts
Pressure - 998 hPa
Size - 127 nmi (1.18x)
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.3C
Shear - 0 kt

Tropical Disturbance 981
~0% (very low) chance of formation in the next 24 hours
Winds - 20 kts
Size - 1.04x
Sea Surface Temperature - 29.7C
Shear - 5 kt

Tropical Depression01G25 kts--1.01x1996-06-02 18z1996-06-03 00z
Severe Tropical StormE'po48 kts994 hPa0.94x (71 nmi)1996-06-03 12z1996-06-04 18z
Tropical Depression01Q30 kts--1.00x1996-06-13 12z1996-06-14 06z
Tropical CyclonePenpa66 kts979 hPa1.38x (133 nmi)1996-07-05 00z1996-07-09 18z
Tropical StormStislaun44 kts1011 hPa1.03x (71 nmi)1996-07-06 00z1996-07-07 00z
Severe Tropical StormSekasa48 kts1001 hPa0.76x (58 nmi)1996-08-02 06z1996-08-04 18z
Tropical CycloneKotheket72 kts989 hPa0.64x (65 nmi)1996-08-08 00z1996-08-10-06z
Intense Tropical CycloneAtawsekwi100 kts964 hPa0.77x (96 nmi)1996-10-01 00z1996-10-03-18z
Severe Tropical StormAhueska57 kts990 hPa0.77x (67 nmi)1996-10-05 06z1996-10-09-06z

Next Uqe name - Akani
Next Ganuo name - Hoti
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-12]
Post by: Darvince on March 17, 2018, 07:28:12 PM
oshi you never finished the season
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-12]
Post by: Darvince on September 12, 2018, 01:52:07 PM
hey kalassak remember this
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-12]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 12, 2018, 04:30:40 PM
yeah it's a mess and nothing interesting really happened, plus there was only like 18 more days
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-12]
Post by: Darvince on September 12, 2018, 04:47:09 PM
post the end-season at least
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-12]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 12, 2018, 05:16:09 PM
Title: Re: Cyclones of Házélé [10-12]
Post by: atomic7732 on September 12, 2018, 05:22:31 PM
i might do one of these again if i can figure out a better way to do it and i get my code for the better cyclone motion that i have at home