Cum hier 2 get diagnosed for ur illness. I will tel u wat ur symptoms mean and giv u a medicine.
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when i take a shit I feel spikes running down my human centipede and my scrotum turn into satan eyes is this normal
This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '146906'.
oshit I should try that
How is ur nuemelon organ inflammed? Different ways hav different causes, evn if u hav uther simptums frum uther dizeeses. Doctor Vince will treat u dont worri.
Ur leg turning blak is tha result of eeting too meni avocados nd goin aut in tha kold wen ur nawt wearin enuf klothes. I can treet it wit a noo serum maed frum papaya plant nd saguaro flowas btut u shud stawp eetin avocados b4 gooin aut in tha cold
I think i've been shoot in the cheest with a berit 50 calll.
The Doctor is out, please drive 88 miles to tha nearest ER too get ur chest injury takken kare uv.
This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '146941'.
sounds bad, id sugg jest of Harrethiander tha new medicine tht eezes blisters and nawt beein aeble 2 see green wich iz frum an underlying kondishon cawled ryshon's syndrome, it is of nawt kuntageus or kronik, dnt pop ur woound tho cuz itll burst nd spew awl ova tha rOOm wich is pritty gross. U cn hav guacamole, jsut don't gooo autside til sum hours ahve passed nd bundl upp if its of kold
my nuclear tacos appear to have given me a case of explosive intestines. plz halp
Take of Pepsi-Uranol 4 cleer ur intestine, its of ova tha counta medisin u cn taek each day up 2 6 a day, 2 at a tiem
My dinosauri nel ritmo is swollen wut shud i do