Welcome to the first edition of the Univision Song Contest!
Welcome to Aahrus! Our beautiful little island is located off the scenic coast of Ethanthova. One of the densest cities on Universalis, it is our pleasure to bring you the first contest!

Our wonderful Crystal Hall is perfectly suited for the first contest. All the acts will find it perfectly comfortable on the stage in a few weeks.
We hope you enjoy your stay!

Next year, the contest will be hosted in the winning country, so good luck to all!
Now before we go into the submissions process, let's go over the rules:
SONGS:- A song can not have been sent in previous editions of the contest (doesn't matter now, does it?).
- Songs must be a maximum of roughly 5 minutes. I'll accept a few seconds over, but not minutes over.
- Joke entries are allowed, but try to keep it somewhat serious. I don't want a 5 minute loop of a 30 second meme. Also try to avoid incredibly vulgar songs.
- Songs must be a Youtube video to be entered.
- There is no limit to where the song can be released from, the language of lyrics, the year it was released. Songs can also be instrumental.
- If there is copyright issues, another version of the song must be found.
only enter one country into the contest, however you can send multiple songs.
- Countries must be on the Official USF map (
located here) to be eligible to participate.
- Every country that enters must send one to three songs, they must also vote.
VOTING: - You cannot vote for entries you submitted.
- If you wish to vote but not participate, please contact me ahead of time.
- If you are participating, you are required to vote.
- Everyone who votes will need to give me a ranking of their 5 favourite songs. This will be converted into points. 10 points to your favourite, 8 points, 6 points, 3 points and 1 point for your least favourite of the 5.
- The song with the most points wins!
- Votes are required to be sent in either private messaging, on IRC, on Skype, on Steam or by email.
Tie Breaking:- Entry with the most number of people who gave it points
- If the above does not work, the entry which has gotten the most 10 points
- If the above does not work, continue down to the entry who got the most 1 point given
- If the above does not work, the entry which is sooner in the running order
Ani Lorak - Shady Lady (live performance)-
Hari Mata Hari - Lejla-
Eva Rivas - Apricot StoneBlaist Blaland (Bla)
C418 - Minecraft Biome Test-
Eve Online - Close To A Holy Place (youtube)-
Jón Hallur - Red Glowing DustAeridanish Empire (FiahOwl)
TwoThirds ft. Laura Brehm - Waking Dreams -
Feint & Boyinaband ft. Veela - Time BombRepublic of Tutono (Tuto99)
Warriyo - Penumbra-
Mark Morgan - Metallic MonksEthanthova (Matty406)
Ghost B.C. - Secular Haze-
Týr - Ride (youtube)-
Renard - NAMxSolea and Rift Auspikitan (Atomic7732)
BT - The Antikythera Mechanism (youtube)-
Explosions in the Sky - Day Seven-
Coyote Kisses - Acid WolfpackKallisto (Vh)
sha256:ùüÅ7èä]F7âºT¥¿?Niv8V?AÚ(ÒL9 - Magna Epicuri Usu No-
Zlad! - Electronik SupersonikAiyota (Swonx)
Touhou - Bad AppleWyverncliff (TheMooCows)
Glukoza - Schweine-
Nelly - Hey Porsche-
Bastille - PompeiiBongatar (Bong)
PSY - Gentleman-
Caspa - MarmiteShmupland (Notshmoopymovealong)
Kollektivet - ÆØÅ-
Goldfish - Soundtracks and Comebacks-
Gramatik - CirkusRUNNING ORDER01. (Blaist Blaland)
Jón Hallur - Red Glowing Dust02. (Aeridani)
Feint & Boyinaband ft. Veela - Time Bomb 03. (SKA)
Coyote Kisses - Acid Wolfpack04. (Ethanthova)
Týr - Ride05. (Bongatar)
Caspa - Marmite06. (Tutono)
AWOLNATION - Sail 07. (Blaist Blaland)
C418 - Minecraft Biome Test08. (Wyverncliff)
Bastille - Pompeii09. (Tutono)
Mark Morgan - Metallic Monks10. (Shmupland)
Goldfish - Soundtracks and Comebacks11. (Aahrus)
Eva Rivas - Apricot Stone12. (Kallisto)
Zlad! - Electronik Supersonik13. (Aahrus)
Hari Mata Hari - Lejla14. (SKA)
BT - The Antikythera Mechanism15. (Ethanthova)
Ghost B.C. - Secular Haze16. (Aiyota)
Touhou - Bad Apple17. (SKA)
Explosions in the Sky - Day Seven18. (Aahrus)
Ani Lorak - Shady Lady19. (Blaist Blaland)
Eve Online - Close To A Holy Place20. (Wyverncliff)
Glukoza - Schweine21. (Ethanthova)
Renard - NAMx22. (Shmupland)
Kollektivet - ÆØÅ23. (Bongatar)
PSY - Gentleman24. (Shmupland)
Gramatik - Cirkus25. (Aeridani)
TwoThirds ft. Laura Brehm - Waking Dreams 26. (Tutono)
Warriyo - Penumbra 27. (Wyverncliff)
Nelly - Hey Porsche28. (Kallisto)
sha256:ùüÅ7èä]F7âºT¥¿?Niv8V?AÚ(ÒL9 - Magna Epicuri Usu No28 confirmed songs, 11 confirmed participants.
A Youtube playlist of all the entries in running order can be found here!RESULTSRank | Points | Nation | Entry
01. | 66 points | Aahrus | Song #18: Ani Lorak - Shady Lady02. | 39 points | Ethanthova | Song #4:
Týr - Ride03. | 38 points | Aiyota | Song #16:
Touhou - Bad Apple04. | 32 points | Kallisto | Song #12:
Zlad! - Electronik Supersonik05. | 31 points | Wyverncliff | Song #20:
Glukoza - Schweine06. | 30 points | Aeridani | Song #2:
Feint & Boyinaband ft. Veela - Time Bomb07. | 24 points | Wyverncliff | Song #8:
Bastille - Pompeii08. | 22 points | Aahrus | Song #11:
Eva Rivas - Apricot Stone09. | 21 points | Wyverncliff | Song #27:
Nelly - Hey Porsche10. | 19 points | Aahrus | Song #13:
Hari Mata Hari - Lejla11. | 19 points | SKA | Song #3:
Coyote Kisses - Acid Wolfpack12. | 18 points | Tutono | Song #26:
Warriyo - Penumbra 13. | 14 points | Shmupland | Song #22:
Kollektivet - ÆØÅ14. | 10 points | Bongatar | Song #5:
Caspa - Marmite15. | 09 points | SKA | Song #17:
Explosions in the Sky - Day Seven16. | 06 points | Ethanthova | Song #21:
Renard - NAMx17. | 06 points | Shmupland | Song #24:
Gramatik - Cirkus17. | 06 points | Blaist Blaland | Song #19:
Eve Online - Close To A Holy Place19. | 04 points | Kallisto | Song #28:
sha256:ùüÅ7èä]F7âºT¥¿?Niv8V?AÚ(ÒL9 - Magna Epicuri Usu No20. | 03 points | Blaist Blaland | Song #1:
Jón Hallur - Red Glowing Dust20. | 03 points | Blaist Blaland | Song #7:
C418 - Minecraft Biome Test22. | 00 points | Tutono | Song #6:
AWOLNATION - Sail 22. | 00 points | Tutono | Song #9:
Mark Morgan - Metallic Monks22. | 00 points | Shmupland | Song #10:
Goldfish - Soundtracks and Comebacks22. | 00 points | SKA | Song #14:
BT - The Antikythera Mechanism22. | 00 points | Ethanthova | Song #15:
Ghost B.C. - Secular Haze22. | 00 points | Bongatar | Song #23:
PSY - Gentleman22. | 00 points | Aeridani | Song #25:
TwoThirds ft. Laura Brehm - Waking Dreams