I ALWAYS wake up after about 2 to 3 hour sleep.
I get "dry mouth" and have to drink my favourite - Cold Tea, during the night.
However - I do not always get back to sleep.
Sometimes dreams are upsetting or make me think too much.
Sometimes I have a lot of things on my mind.
However - for the last six weeks it has been WORSE.
I had a major Fall - broke my Right collar bone ( fortunately Left handed ), bruised all of my Ribs on Right side and wrenched all of my back on Right side.
My Right arm is in a sling - but the collar bone does not seem to be mending at all.
Consequences, apert from heaps of pain.
I have always slept on one side or the other - but for the last 12 years I can only get to sleep by lying in a three-quarter prone position on one side - with one arm under my pillow, and one outside the covers. I thyink this was from when I fell over on some soldi ice.
Since the fall six weeks ago - I cna ONLY sleep flat on my back - any other position is agony.
Unfortunately, on my back my mouth opens and I snore horribly - and wake up every 1/2 hour or hour and a half - with my mouth like the Sahara Desert.
So - Disturbed Sleep - you wanna try some of mine.
That is part of why I sometimes find myself unable to sleep during the night.
Funny though - I could ALWAYS sleep during the day, and I do so, nearly every day.