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Bla: Kol
Bla: He has a point
Well I don't think dictatorship is good or to be prefered, but I don't judge from that as the only factor either. Generally I don't like the common way of classifying countries as simply "good democratic" or "evil dictatorship", as if it's either the people have all the power or one individual or party has all the power and the people has none. I wouldn't say any country is "fully" democratic, for that to happen it would need direct democracy or representation in both legislation
and the industry - otherwise the industry cannot be used to satisfy the needs of people and will end up corrupting the legislation. The original soviets were an attempt to solve that problem, but ended up as vassals for the Bolshevik party with people only having limited influence in the lower soviets. Democracy is a continuum, not an either-or.
So no, I'm not a total Lenin-fan who worships him and agrees with him on everything, kol. I don't think I can be categorized as Leninist/Marxist-Leninist, although the Marxist-Leninist parties I have read about in Denmark support democracy and I do consider them as a potential alternative to Enhedslisten if I could get more information about their views on many areas (including Lenin and democracy).
I do share many Marxist-Leninist values though, probably more than with any other "sub-ideology" of communism. And I also find inspiration in some of the things Lenin has written and said. This, for example, I think is positive.
Lenin's speech on anti-Jewish pogroms [Engl. subt.] Lenin juduen kontrako pogromoei buruzSo do I think Lenin was lame? Overall I'm not sure if I would call him lame.