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Author Topic: Things Currently Stressing/Worrying  (Read 3027 times)


  • Formerly 'bong'
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Things Currently Stressing/Worrying
« on: March 14, 2013, 06:18:20 PM »

1. tom. spanish presentation, i have no idea what do say. hoping for a sub.
2. submitting a complaint: nervous about it
3. the school people discovering about me trying to get their school wifi password (click the wifi bars or w/e, and the right click the wifi you're using, and then select the right most tab and then insert username and password) i used my username ans password, and it didn't have a high enough level
4. failing my LAL

i'll add more later


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Re: Things Currently Stressing/Worrying
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2013, 06:59:13 PM »
1. Finishing my essay on gender equality
2. Finishing terms for History class.
3. Getting money to pay for IoA. (Islands of Adventures)
4. That's it. :D


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Re: Things Currently Stressing/Worrying
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2013, 07:17:16 PM »


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Re: Things Currently Stressing/Worrying
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2013, 07:34:21 PM »
1. my current events i need to do
2. everything i had to worry about this week that i am not going to do until after spring break
3. this stupid movie quotes thing we partially did today and are finishing tomorrow and a project in programming class which is due tomorrow but we've been doing other things so?????
4. i have quite a bit of missing work fuck


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Re: Things Currently Stressing/Worrying
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2013, 07:38:13 PM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:58:55 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Things Currently Stressing/Worrying
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2013, 02:56:07 AM »
1. Waiting the start of school
2. Knowing that koinu-chan suffer all kinds of bullying and violence and know that I can't do nothing
3. Bong_
4. (Very) Religious people (sadly, they're very common here)


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Re: Things Currently Stressing/Worrying
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2013, 06:38:56 AM »
1) Doing the OH HELL !! - Background Work for Closing Out the Game Month of June 2138 and to moveb to Game Month July 2138.
1A) Updating all of the Planets, Colonies and Bases was not too bad.
1B) Updating the Shipbuilding  and doing the new Ships for the Shipbuilding Lists was a Pain !!

2) Writing a Full Spec. for the Planetary Rams - quite a long Job.
Ellipsoid Artificial Structures which have Axes a, b, c - 1.56 x Earth Diameter, 1.71 x Earth Diameter, 2,35 x Earth Diameter.
Hollow Internal Structures - with 5.5 Km thickness of fused Rock to form outer surface.
Surface Gravity at a, b, c = 9.8529 Km/s^2, 8.2930 Km/s^2, 4.3791 Km/S^2.
These will each have two oval Oceans on the "lower" surfaces, and Earth-like Atmospheres.
They will be both Super Space Warships, with massive Weapons mounted spinally - AND fully Inhabitable Planets, with a surface area nearly 7 times that of Earth.
The surface can provide an Eco-System, Habitats for Wildlife, space for Cities - AND space for Many, Many Powerful Defensive Bases with powerful Weapons.

3) Writing the Posts for further developments on the Asteroid Belts of The Sol Dominion, The Attican Dominion, The New Byzantium Dominion, The Chalco Dominion, The N.E.A.P. Dominion.
For Sol - New Bases on undeveloped the Asteroids of the Main Belt, New Bases on large "Objects" in the Kuiper Belt and Ice "objects" in the Oort Cloud.
For Attica -
Attica System - New Bases on undeveloped Asteroids in the Second and Fourth Quadrants.
Exelcis System - New Bases on undeveloped Asteroids in the Second and Fourth Quadrants.
Wyandot System - New Bases on undeveloped Asteroids in the Second and Fourth Quardrants.
Pascali System - New Bases on undeveloped Asteroids in the Second and Fourth Quadrants.
For Phoenix -
Beta System - New Bases on Moons of the Ice Giant Planets.
Epsilon System - New Bases on undeveloped Asteroids in the Second and Fourth Quadrants.
Psi System - New Bases on undeveloped Astyeroids in the Second andv Fourth Quadrants.
Eridus System - New Bases on yndeveloped Asteroids, New Bases on the Semi-Habitable Planet.
Neutralia System - creating a new Accretion Disc of Aluminium Dust - to begin the forming of a new source of Boron, Lithium and Barium by "cosmic ray spallation" from the emmissions of the Neutron Star.
For New Byzantium - New Bases on undeveloped Asteroids.
For Chalco - New Bases and New Cities on the Planet  Myrdinka ( Chalco III ).
For The N.E.A.P. - Omicron System - New Bases on both Xin Shijie ( Omicron III ) and Orienta ( Omicron II).
Also - a full write-up of the "lost" Lifeforms of the Eco-Systems of these Planets -  for "recreation" of many of these Life-forms, to create new Eco-Systems on these Planets.

4) Writing Up "Discovery Reports" for the New Systems of five new Star Systems, all with their own Intelligent ( non-human ) Peoples.
Writing a full description of the highly Intelligent  Chembrai People - evolved from Creatures which have some of the characteristics of Gastropods ( Snails ) and some of the characteristics of straight-shelled Ammonites.
Writing full descriptions of the three Intelligent "Dinosaur Peoples" - evolved from Troodonts, Pteranodons and Pleisiosuars.
Writing a full description of the Intelligent Ammonia-Breathing People - have to think about that one yet.

5) Loads of other Stuff - finding what has still not been done in various Dominions / Star Systems, and addind the necessary New Works.

This is all supposed to be completed in two weeks !!
That is MY Timetable - but I DID PROMISEv to get one Game Month Completed every two weeks.     
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 08:42:32 AM by karakris »


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Re: Things Currently Stressing/Worrying
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2013, 07:36:30 AM »
OMG Karakris...


Since he problably will not see this, I will send a PM to him :P
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 11:57:30 AM by Hellpotatoe »


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Re: Things Currently Stressing/Worrying
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2013, 12:46:12 PM »
college college
keeping promises of art to people


  • Formerly 'bong'
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Re: Things Currently Stressing/Worrying
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2013, 01:06:27 PM »

1. monday spanish presentation
2. finishing current event
3. the school people discovering about me trying to get their school wifi password (click the wifi bars or w/e, and the right click the wifi you're using, and then select the right most tab and then insert username and password) i used my username ans password, and it didn't have a high enough level
4. finishing my essay on mars



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Re: Things Currently Stressing/Worrying
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2013, 02:00:25 PM »
nothing anymore


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Re: Things Currently Stressing/Worrying
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2013, 08:44:12 AM »
OMG Karakris...


Since he problably will not see this, I will send a PM to him :P

I SAW it - Aye - Now you Know how Busy I can be.
And - There really HAVE BEEN even Busier Times.

Also - I left out a few other things as well.


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Re: Things Currently Stressing/Worrying
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2013, 03:29:47 PM »
1. finishing my research report
 a). works cited page
 b). revise and edit
 c). get everything together and have it printed and ready etc.

2. doing my question of the week correctly

3. getting darv to advance darp