they have 10 claws
Nope, according to darvince they have 4 in each hand.
So we should have 'two official base systems', one in base 10 and the other in base 8. You use what you want.
technically doesn't the middle pad or the fifth "thumb" (way down and you can't see it very well) count?
First - who chooses the things about saguans is darv, not me.
Second - what if they have three fingers and a thumb?
Third - well, technically (if it exists, ask darv) it counts, but isnt used.
I thought I signed up for a fantasy world not some alien world where people count in base 8 and the day is like 20-28 hours long
Fantasy includes alien problably. And you have your things, I/darv/vh can have ours.
And I want a 24 hours day. And a 365 days year and etc.
And base 8 isnt alien.