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Author Topic: Universe Sandbox 2 - Screenshots of variable Earth ocean levels - February 2013  (Read 62722 times)


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Since water vapor is a greenhouse gas, the ice should cover more of the world with low sea levels and less of it when the sea level is high.


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Just out of curiosity, can you do this with other planets? Is a flooded Mars/Venus possible? How about fictional planets?


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I have a question : is that the last thing that you implement into Universe sandbox 3? or will there come more?

Sorry for my bad English  :-\


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Regarding Universe Sandbox 3 -

1) How much will it Cost to update from the Steam Version of Universe Sandbox ??
Just Asking.

2) The method you use for increasing or decreasing the Water Levels - Big Question ??

Does this ONLY work on the "special" Tecture you have Created for Earth - of for any other Textures.

Please, Please -  tell me it will work on Custom Textures - otherwise I will be very Sad  :( :( :( :( :( :(

The Reasons why I am Asking -

1) I managed to FIND ( steal ) an Online Image for a Terraformed Mars.
Trouble is - there is too much Water on it, I need to get the Water Levels down a bit.
I do not have any access to whatever was used to Create this - and I cannot find it Anywhere On-Line.

2) I Created some Textures for the Planets in the Omega System -

Arrakine ( Omega I ) is a Dry Planet - 50% Water.
Panthalassa / Agoora ( Omega II ) is a VERY Wet Planet - 99% Water Coverage.
Piscemund ( Omega III )is a Wet Planet - 95% Water Coverage.

All Three are going to be "evened up" - to give them ALL 70% Water Coverage Approx.

The spare Water is gonna be used to semi-Terraform the Planet Omega IV.

Here are the Files, from my PC -

1)  Mars Terraformed

2)  Arrakine - Omega I

3)  Panthalassa / Agoora - Omega II

4)  Piscemund - Omega III

DAMN - I am So Stupid - I should have done this Before - Sorry to Everyone.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 02:20:24 PM by Dan Dixon »


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Hm, I think than the water level thing only work with models... I'm right Giant Army?


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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:05:41 AM by FiahOwl »


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What if you had a bumpmap

Hmmm - What is a BumpMap ????


  • formerly mudkipz
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basically a map in with heights. like this where you can see mountains and canyons


  • Formerly 'bong'
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sounds like isometric, but w/e


  • formerly mudkipz
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no an isometric map is in two dimensions although it gives the appearance of three dimensions


  • Formerly 'bong'
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but technically this screen is 2D, but if you want to go that deep in, the pixals are actually 3D but lets not get off topic.


  • formerly mudkipz
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but 3d objects can be represented with a 2d scope while an isometric map is 2d objects in a 2d scope


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WOW! :o

Dan Dixon

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Since water vapor is a greenhouse gas, the ice should cover more of the world with low sea levels and less of it when the sea level is high.
Interesting idea, but not quite right. Naomi, our climate and earth science consultant, wrote up this reply:

"Water vapor is a greenhouse gas.  Ice cover (on land) and sea level have been correlated as described over the ice ages because when global temperature rises, glaciers melt leading to sea level rise.  The mention of water vapor as a greenhouse gas seems like a non-sequitur... changes in greenhouse gas concentration can affect global temperature, and with water vapor there is a feedback as a warmer atmosphere can hold more water vapor.  But water vapor in particular isn't worthy of extra mention when it comes to where the glacier/ocean H2O is located - that's just responding to the temperature, which is affected by all the greenhouse gases."

Just out of curiosity, can you do this with other planets? Is a flooded Mars/Venus possible? How about fictional planets?
Yes. Yes/Yes. Yes.

Example of a fictional planet with the water removed: http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php/topic,8012.0.html

1) How much will it Cost to update from the Steam Version of Universe Sandbox ??
Universe Sandbox 3 will be a new product. Pricing and a release date have not yet been announced.

2) The method you use for increasing or decreasing the Water Levels - Big Question ??
Does this ONLY work on the "special" Tecture you have Created for Earth - of for any other Textures.
You'll be able to load in your own custom heightmaps or generate them randomly.

is that the last thing that you implement into Universe sandbox 3? or will there come more?
We're just getting started. There's lots more to come. :)

Sorry for my bad English  :-\
No need to apologize. I'm sorry I don't understand your native language. Thanks for learning English.

Will this have a detrimental effect on performance?

Unlimited coolness dude.

A question, are you guys planing to simulate the pyroclastic clouds/shock waves that follows impacts/eruptions?
It might not be as 'simulated' as you might want it to be...

will there be lighting, volcano's,  Auroras, and weather etc...... and possibly ships  oh yes thanks for making shush a grate software !!? :D
All good ideas. We'll consider them. :)

US3 will be Mac compatible correct?
Yes Windows and Mac for sure... and maybe Linux too.

how about planet formation?
It's a hard problem that we're working on.

And I want to thank the other members of the team: Chris, Thomas, and Eric who are also doing amazing work.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 02:12:39 PM by Dan Dixon »


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Does Astrioids Burn Through The Astomopheres?
« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 06:03:53 PM by Dan Dixon »


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We're just getting started. There's lots more to come. :)

Oh lawd.


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We're just getting started. There's lots more to come. :)

Oh lawd.
Oh God Dan, don't get us too excited now. XD


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Just out of curiosity, can you do this with other planets? Is a flooded Mars/Venus possible? How about fictional planets?
Yes. Yes/Yes. Yes.

Example of a fictional planet with the water removed: http://universesandbox.com/forum/index.php/topic,8012.0.html

2) The method you use for increasing or decreasing the Water Levels - Big Question ??
Does this ONLY work on the "special" Tecture you have Created for Earth - of for any other Textures.

You'll be able to load in your own custom heightmaps or generate them randomly.

And I want to thank the other members of the team: Chris, Thomas, and Eric who are also doing amazing work.

Riiight - Thanks for some Answers which were Important to Me.

Regarding loading in Custom Heightmaps - I use a Program called PlanetGen to Create all of my Planet Textures.

Asking - Would any of the Outputs from this be able to be used, for changing Water Levels on a Planet.
I have Modelled some 12 Planet Textures so far using this - but I am not sure if I have all of the Files used during the Creation Process.
For the Terraformed MARS - I never had a Source - just a "stolen" Image - which has a bit too much Water.
for the Terraformed VENUS - I have no useable Sources or Images.

Thanks to Dan for Anwering Questions - And I am truly Sorry to be such a Nuisance.


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nice textures


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  • 宇宙沙盘2亚洲第一个测试人员
Fictional planet can this be?For example, casually broke a planet texture, then the planet can not sea level rise and fall?


  • Formerly 'bong'
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are you yoda


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are you yoda

*whacks bong with a trout* No, he/she is Chinese. :P

@Rainbow: I do not understand your question, the second part does not make sense.


  • Formerly 'bong'
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Can you put it in Chinese? I can kinda read it


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  • 宇宙沙盘2亚洲第一个测试人员
are you yoda

*whacks bong with a trout* No, he/she is Chinese. :P

@Rainbow: I do not understand your question, the second part does not make sense.
Texture from another planet 换一个星球的纹理

Dan Dixon

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You'll be able to add variable level oceans to other planets and moons, both real (Mars, Venus, Titan, Earth's Moon, etc...) and fictional (planets and moons
created via your own textures or our procedural planet creation system).
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 04:54:57 PM by Dan Dixon »


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can't wait


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Thanks Dan -

This is gonna be SOOOOOOO MEGA - AWESOME -

Just Toooo Good.


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Again I love pics and it make us want more! We are all going to have fun with Universe Sandbox 3 beyond 100%. Also will there be a feature to mess with the atmosphere like thickness, color, and what it's made up of? Just throwing you a new idea is all. Good luck Dan.  PEACE!!!

Dan Dixon

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Also will there be a feature to mess with the atmosphere like thickness, color, and what it's made up of?

We're still working on the specifics of adjustable atmospheric properties (or I should say that Naomi is), but yes... this is a feature I'm really excited about.