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Author Topic: Universe Sandbox 2 - Screenshots of variable Earth ocean levels - February 2013  (Read 61755 times)


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Is there an estimated month of release, Dan?


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This message is only viewable with Universe Sandbox Galaxy Edition. Access it and much more with promo-code '102538'.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:54:50 AM by FiahOwl »


  • Formerly 'bong'
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the longer the wait, the greater the program
i think i'll have to turn that into a slogan soon


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I agree. Although I do wish it was an open beta.


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Is there a chance of Universe Sandbox 3 being added to the Early Access part of Steam?


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Is there a chance of Universe Sandbox 3 being added to the Early Access part of Steam?

I wondering about that myself.

Dan Dixon

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Is there a chance of Universe Sandbox 3 being added to the Early Access part of Steam?

Good question... it's something we've considered ourselves. That said... in its current state it's just not ready yet. It's still too early.


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Is there a chance of Universe Sandbox 3 being added to the Early Access part of Steam?

Good question... it's something we've considered ourselves. That said... in its current state it's just not ready yet. It's still too early.

cool, Im guessing Steam Early Access is the best option for the beta :) Cant wait

Valentin Arenas

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When i see this screenshot, :o :o :o ,im very happy of this new feature.You dan are the BEST.


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His team also helped him, which is called the Giant Army. (I think)


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Is there any new screenshots?


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Is it more developed now that it could have an early access release?, or are there still some things that need to be completed first?

Dan Dixon

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We're still working on it...
Progress is slow, but awesome. We're starting to tone down the feature creep and focus on fixing bugs and polishing the experience we've created.

Our latest victory:
Naomi, our climate scientist, just got the code working to do a simplistic simulation of seasons on the Earth... where by removing the 23 degree tilt of the Earth relative to its orbital plane around the Sun, seasons go away.

Originally from: http://steamcommunity.com/app/72200/discussions/0/864979008610843334/


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I thought they're basically done, but I heard they're just polishing it and fixing bugs, right?

Gordon Freeman

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These oceans DO look better and more realistic. How come its just bleu now?

Lord DC

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*Gordon becomes a necro-threader
but seriosuly, why are the ocans just blue? it looks better when it has different hues.

Gordon Freeman

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CPU power limits?

Lord DC

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hmmph, maybe