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Author Topic: Which is true? The Growing Earth theory or the Tectonic Plates theory?  (Read 17312 times)


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Ive been watching Youtube for sometimes and I kept seeing arguments about the growing earth theory and the tectonic plate theory. I believe the tectonic theory, but I wanted to know what you believe which.


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Re: Which is true? The Growing Earth theory or the Tectonic Plates theory?
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2009, 11:38:57 PM »
Can you explain the theories? I haven't done any research, but my initial guess would be that the growing Earth theory states that Earth grows from space debris hitting it, which it doubtlessly does, and that the tectonic plates theory is about the tectonic plates moving, which they also do. But I'm not sure if I'm right about what they're about.

How do they contradict?

space guy1

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Re: Which is true? The Growing Earth theory or the Tectonic Plates theory?
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2009, 07:19:28 AM »
this is from wikipedia:
Proponents of an expanding Earth hypothesis claim that the explanation for the position and movement of continents and the appearance of new crustal material at mid-ocean ridges is that Earth's volume is increasing.  Modern scientific evidence does not support this idea, rather plate tectonics is almost universally accepted as correct.  The small number of proponents of an expanding earth claim that the continents drifted away from each other because of further expansion at the rip-zones, where oceans currently lie.  This contradicts the scientific consensus plate tectonics theory by stating that significant destructive plate boundaries do not exist.

this theory is almost universally discredited   as you can tell i believe in plate tectonics


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Re: Which is true? The Growing Earth theory or the Tectonic Plates theory?
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2009, 07:24:53 AM »
Oh, please don't mix the words 'theory' and 'hypothesis', because a scientific theory is something supported by loads of evidence and has nothing to do with the every-day word 'theory'.
But then I "believe" in the tectonic plates theory of course, that's also what we've been taught at school, and I don't see any reason why it should be wrong. :)


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Re: Which is true? The Growing Earth theory or the Tectonic Plates theory?
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2009, 05:12:10 AM »
well both are correct

"fact" mass of the earth is increasing even tho we are sending things out into space more is falling than we are sending
"fiction" in the future this may change however eg when we finally get round to building that famous lift that gos in to space

"fact" the crust is continuously refreshing itself thru tectonic plates folding at a continuous rate

"theory" the earth is getting bigger and hotter but its a fraction not noticeable by any instrument we can build to date so it can only stay a theory till proven


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Re: Which is true? The Growing Earth theory or the Tectonic Plates theory?
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2009, 06:07:01 AM »
According to the growing earth theory the surface acceleration on earth should also decrease world wide.
I wonder why they didn't tested this yet, if they are so sure that there hypothesis is right...


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Re: Which is true? The Growing Earth theory or the Tectonic Plates theory?
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2009, 07:18:39 AM »
so it can only stay a theory till proven
Remember a scientific theory isn't like the daily word theory.
Wikipedia - Scientific theory


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Re: Which is true? The Growing Earth theory or the Tectonic Plates theory?
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2009, 11:32:12 AM »
yer i just add in my mind it goes something like this

fiction = something that is made up eg a story etc. which can be based on fact or theory but does not need to
              be proven in any shape or form and should never be said to be fact.

theory = something that is said to explain how something works eg how relativity explains how the
               universe works and how things within it interact with each other

fact = something that is truth and has proof eg it is a fact that what i said here is my own opinion/theory into
          how it should be with out any underlining bias with some 1 trying to defend something that does not
          need defending like that page you linked to about scientific theory..

theory is theory relativity has not been proven to be right or wrong its just very accurate if it had been proven to be fact then why is so many scientists thinking of new ways to add to/explain the universe like string theory etc.
if it was fact then they wouldn't need to

u see my point ?? it is exactly the same as the daily word just ppl have respect and trust the theory's that is put forward in the scientific community till proven to be right or wrong the key word is respect they have no need to defend them self's i respect there theory's on the universe i see the relativity theory to be today's best explanation of the universe till some 1 shows a better more accurate 1


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Re: Which is true? The Growing Earth theory or the Tectonic Plates theory?
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2009, 12:57:17 PM »
Bessy, as I said, the scientific theory is not like the daily word theory. You saw the definition on Wikipedia.
The string theory is different than the theory of relativity, since they explain different facts. You can't say that you wouldn't need the atomic theory because you already got the theory of evolution for example. The problem is that many people incorrectly use the word theory for new scientific ideas that have not yet been proven. Such an idea is a hypothesis. Theories need large amounts of evidence, and may not be contradicted by any evidence. If they are contradicted by evidence, they must be changed or quited completely.


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Re: Which is true? The Growing Earth theory or the Tectonic Plates theory?
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2009, 01:39:04 PM »
i see your point i think the scientific version of theory is the correct 1

the everyday use 1 as in that post its just ppl in everyday scenarios seem to best guess let me explain what i don't understand about this idea eg below

i theorize that i will go and get a drink im going to climb down the ladders from my game room and pore out some milk in a glass, do you think that is best guess, fiction, fact or theory of what im going to do, it cannot be proven ether way until iv done it

the evidence that im going to do this is the fact im thirsty and my heart burn is starting to sting like hell
the theory of evolution etc says that naturally i will find something to drink and eat

but u never no i might just sit here for the rest of my life, say a few days with out any food or drink and die!!

it will for ever be known as a theory that was never proven all the facts said i should have went down but i didn't, everything said that it should have worked but it didn't i was capable the milk was there nothing was blocking me etc etc.
now some 1 will add a exception to my theory to explain why i didn't go down and get a drink which is what would happen in the science community which is the correct way in everyday use if we sat and done this for everything.. well ill let you make a theory about that use your imagination ...

its interesting how this old world works
i am in no way trying to argue with you or trying to undermine any theory of any kind just trying to make you see something and clear up what a scientific theory is. hope this helps you see where im coming from

yer im pretty poo at explaining i know but it wont stop me from trying


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Re: Which is true? The Growing Earth theory or the Tectonic Plates theory?
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2009, 12:20:28 AM »
I have continued the debate in another topic.