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Author Topic: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.  (Read 27961 times)


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #30 on: February 04, 2013, 04:28:56 PM »
Protip: The equivalent of piracy IRL is making a copy of someone's item, but leaving that item in place. In case you're wondering, if I, for example (I already have Universe Sandbox) were to pirate Universe Sandbox, there would now simply be yet another copy of it in the universe.

But, if I were to steal, then the number of copies would remain the same and someone would suffer losses. With piracy, losses are only suffered by the creator if done en masse. Unlike physical items, data is usually copied (as it is when you receive software by either purchasing or pirating) rather than simply moved.


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2013, 04:58:04 PM »
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 08:44:49 PM by phinehas »


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #32 on: February 05, 2013, 07:22:28 PM »

Google translate added by Dan:
I just want to say, if the the universe sandbox price is $ 30 in China, 180 yuan, 180 yuan in an ordinary family is one of the seven points.
Foreign software is too expensive, if cheaper, I can consider. . . . . . . . .
« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 09:31:41 PM by Dan Dixon »


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #33 on: February 05, 2013, 07:26:14 PM »
qq that's most unfortunate. Let's hope will be cheaper than that.


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #34 on: February 06, 2013, 12:37:22 PM »
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 08:44:40 PM by phinehas »


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #35 on: February 06, 2013, 01:49:20 PM »
What I want to know is how are these people able to purchase a computer to run U2/U3 on if they balk at the "fortune" it costs to pay for U2/U3?
Today a pc is almost essential. US2/US3 isn't.

I, for example, am from Brazil.
I'm without a pc since october, I think. My mother (with my family help) dont have enough money to pay the monthly fees of my house, and sometimes lack food at the end of the month. A pc have to wait, and a "game" its out of consideration. I would like of have an ps3 or an Xbox, but I can't.
I only have 4 original games, Sim City 2000, Spore, Minecraft (only because Bla gifted it to me) and Universe Sandbox 2 (because Dan give'd a copy to me thanks Dan and Bla).

I can understand the situation of this chinese guy. If I'm in need, he's probably much more.

Sorry for this confuse post and for my poor english, but I have learned it by playing games, so its certainly broken and stuff.


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #36 on: February 06, 2013, 10:56:05 PM »
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 08:44:33 PM by phinehas »


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2013, 05:54:17 AM »
Indeed. 10USD is about R$20, which in Brazil is about:

- 6 bus fares, or
- 2 bigmacs (Im guessing I dont eat glicerine laced foods), or
- 4/5 cans of beer

Is not that much, but considering the wages vs prices, it can indeed be that much for some people. You can't compare that and mention Internet prices. My 10MB link costs me 25 bucks (USD). Prices in Brazil can be REALLY weird.

One thing is for sure, I trust people like hellpotato when he say what he does. Many US citizens dont realize this, but they do live in one of the cheapest countries in the globe. Apart from services, things ARE REALLY cheap in the US. In contrast in Brazil, services is the most devalued thing ever. Why? Cuz the unemployment rate is very high, so if you don't agree to work for that miserable rate, someone in the humongous line behind you will rapidly do it.

An example everyone can easily compare is, how much do you pay for an iPhone? US prices are 99 or 199 for those signing new plans, and about 800 for those without it. Here it costs about 700 with discount and around 1.3k without discount. How about gas? Here it costs about twice as it does in the US. So in third world countries things tend to be much more expensive, and wages tend to be way way smaller.

From this scenario comes the tendency of one giving that much value to 20 bucks. Cuz this IS 3rd world! It means we have mainly 2 classes. The mega rich, and the mega poor. Some people buy shoes that cost about 3k, while other people are making shoes out of plastic coke bottles. Some people drive 800k mercedes (oh yeah cars are waaaaay more expensive) and some people have trouble to pay for the bus fare. This is quite common here.

Unfortunately, is something to look forward to it if nothing is done to remove the scorge, sack of crap, rotten pus dripping "elite" that has been controlling and demolishing the country. So sad. :(

PS: English is piece of cake to learn. A quite simple and easy language. Compared to portuguese which was considered by many to be the second most difficult language to learn after mandarin. Plus people down here are being americanized (as all the west). Everywhere you look, you'll see english words and even frases. It is common...
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 06:09:22 AM by unl0cker »


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2013, 11:32:41 AM »
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 08:44:22 PM by phinehas »


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #39 on: February 07, 2013, 02:04:34 PM »
I keep going back to the same thing, how are some people able to afford a computer to run US2 on when they can't afford US2.  That's like saying you can't afford to put gas in an expensive car, that's the ratio and that's what doesn't make sense from what I am hearing from some of the people.

P.S. I think Portuguese is the most beautiful language I have heard sung. Being American, I don't have any idea what English "sounds" like of course to the non-English speakers of the world.  It could sound horrible, like German but I think it probably sounds good to others...kind of like Portuguese, being a mix of languages, just more of a mix.  Anyway, I don't listen to non-English music much but do like Águas de Março, sung by Jobim and Elis Regina.  I liked Susannah McCorkle's version as well.
What do you think? :P
Getting a computer is a higher priority than getting a game. But I guess when people finally get to buying a new computer, they don't have money for a game. So I'm guessing in this case, they complain that the game they want is too expensive, so they could just be able to afford it earlier.
I'm not trying to be offensive to anyone, but what else can be the case in this situation?


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #40 on: February 07, 2013, 02:29:20 PM »
Then just buy a less costly computer so you can also buy the game. Plan ahead!


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #41 on: February 07, 2013, 04:47:35 PM »
They can't, they almost always will get one of the cheapest computers they can find. Also, hellpotatoe isn't using his own internet and is actually using his neighbor's since houses in Brazil are smaller and such.


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #42 on: February 07, 2013, 05:24:34 PM »
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 08:44:01 PM by phinehas »


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #43 on: February 07, 2013, 05:33:30 PM »
Getting a computer isn't a priority at all when you can't pay the rent or buy food.  That being said, you would have to get a computer first in order to use any game.
Firstly, you're right, but who else would think otherwise? I wasn't saying that getting a computer is more important than paying for rent or food. :p
And secondly, the last sentence you wrote was my point of saying that buying a computer should come first after a game.


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #44 on: February 07, 2013, 05:53:41 PM »
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 08:31:47 PM by phinehas »


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #45 on: February 07, 2013, 05:58:16 PM »
P.S. I think Portuguese is the most beautiful language I have heard sung. Being American, I don't have any idea what English "sounds" like of course to the non-English speakers of the world.  It could sound horrible, like German but I think it probably sounds good to others...kind of like Portuguese, being a mix of languages, just more of a mix.  Anyway, I don't listen to non-English music much but do like Águas de Março, sung by Jobim and Elis Regina.  I liked Susannah McCorkle's version as well.

This must be a joke man! :D
I find my own language to be HORRIBLE! Sounds terrible. In the other hand, I find english, german and french to be beautiful. I guess we are never happy with what we are given.

I currently have 2300 songs in my library. Of those 2300 are english sung songs. :P


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #46 on: February 07, 2013, 06:04:55 PM »
Plus phinehas we got some serious value problem here.

Once I hear a guy saying that he would work for like 2 months, to buy an iPhone. I mean, this idiot was about to work for 40*8hrs just to buy an iPhone. WTF do you have for brains?! This was what I should have asked him. But I kept my mouth sealed.

So this kind of no sense happens to. People "wasting" whole wages to buy ridiculously overrated products. What we have to say about that? Probably this is Edward Bernays' fault! Thanks Mr. Bernays!


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #47 on: February 07, 2013, 06:12:42 PM »
« Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 08:31:01 PM by phinehas »


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #48 on: February 07, 2013, 06:15:21 PM »
I make you a deal then:

Keep the bossa nova, the jiu-jitsu and it's guys, I keep the girls from Ipanema. Ok?!

:D :D


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #49 on: February 10, 2013, 06:26:11 AM »
Your explanation still doesn't explain the paradox I explained. In other words, I find it
bizzare that there are so many people that get on this forum wanting US to be free
and they can't afford a $5 to $20 "game" but can somehow afford a much more expensive
computer to run it on.  How are you and some of these third worlders even posting messages?
How are you able to justify the costs of Internet cafes when you say US2 costs as much as a weeks
worth of food.  Your stories just don't make sense.

By the way, your written English is extraordinary considering that you learned
it all from sim city.
a weeks worth of food is 30-50 dollars...
And I'm using the pc of my school to post messages...

Thanks ;)

P.S. I think Portuguese is the most beautiful language I have heard sung. Being American, I don't have any idea what English "sounds" like of course to the non-English speakers of the world.  It could sound horrible, like German but I think it probably sounds good to others...kind of like Portuguese, being a mix of languages, just more of a mix.  Anyway, I don't listen to non-English music much but do like Águas de Março, sung by Jobim and Elis Regina.  I liked Susannah McCorkle's version as well.
English is a bit weird to me.
To me, they speak 'a' as 'ei' (at least sometimes), 'i' as 'ai', 'ph' as 'f', 'h' as 'rr'...

Then just buy a less costly computer so you can also buy the game. Plan ahead!
They can't, they almost always will get one of the cheapest computers they can find. Also, hellpotatoe isn't using his own internet and is actually using his neighbor's since houses in Brazil are smaller and such.
^This. And I'm not using my own pc too. Its one from my old school (my mother works there, and she can borrow it sometimes)

My apologies to Hellpotatoe, I overlooked that he/she stated, "A pc have to wait" in the context.  So, I retract my comment of the rent/food in the last post.  My last comment in that post still stands as my opinion in general though for a portion of the general population.
He. xD

Naw man, I really like the sound of Portuguese...must have something to do with how it sounds to people that don't speak a language.  Be proud of it, that it is pleasant to some in the world that see it is a positive aspect of your country and culture.  Bossa Nova, all the girls from Ipanema and the Brazilian jiu-jitsu ain't half bad either.
Kol. But we have 'funk carioca', and I wanna go live in *putalmostanynationhere* to not need to hear that one more time.

I make you a deal then:

Keep the bossa nova, the capoeira and it's guys, I keep the girls from Ipanema. Ok?!

:D :D


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #50 on: February 10, 2013, 07:21:00 AM »
how did we get from Chinese people pirating stuff to how good Portuguese sounds?


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Re: For Chinese people, universe sandbox should be free.
« Reply #51 on: February 10, 2013, 07:46:12 AM »
how did we get from Chinese people pirating stuff to how good Portuguese sounds?

Speaking Master Yoda is.