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Author Topic: Giant Impact Theory simulation  (Read 3019 times)


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Giant Impact Theory simulation
« on: January 19, 2013, 10:25:04 AM »
Is there any way in version 2 to simulate the Giant Impact Theory for the formation of the Moon? (i.e. Mars-sized object collides with Earth at an oblique angle, resulting debris either remains in Earth or coalesces in Earth orbit to form the Moon)

I've tried launching Mars at Earth and turning one or both to dust, but it doesn't work even with max. dust multiplier. If Mars is dust, it just sticks to Earth with no collision reaction. If Earth is dust, Mars passes through without slowing down, scattering the dust everywhere. If both are dust, one dust cloud passes through the other unaffected - is the dust considered massless?

I've tried other options, but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions? Or is it something I just have to wait for in v.3? [Hint: put this in version 3 :P]



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Re: Giant Impact Theory simulation
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2013, 11:22:00 AM »
dust has no mass

i did manage to kind of simulate it though at this thread:

Universe Sandbox - Theia-Earth Collision Part 2