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Author Topic: Education Version for Schools  (Read 6244 times)


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Education Version for Schools
« on: January 20, 2013, 05:52:20 AM »
Hi Dan/everyone,

I'm pretty excited that there's a free copy for schools and I have asked for it to be installed at school. 

However, I am envisaging that "Steam for schools" will not work on my school's network (due to blocking by Council/ISP of the entire steam server subnet and local policies on PCs restricting application usage which will break steam updating assuming it works as the full Steam client does).

I personally have bought a few copies (am up to 4 now.... 2 x steam, one DRM free and one in April), so I can show it from my personal PC on the IWB, but it doesn't quite achieve the same thing as letting the pupils play God with planets.

I am therefore wondering if it is possible to get a license to use one of the none-steam versions on a school network? 

Best wishes


Dan Dixon

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