So, i made some statistics on the amount of production/area
And they are
one of the things i thought was interesting, was how you could see the changes during wars. Because zones exchange hands back and forth, the average production/zone decreases a bit
I made a seperate sheet comparing everyone to the average. (unless you had less than 10 turns played)
In addition, i also have another sheet everyone on it, although that was a bit crowded
Bla seems to have above average prod/zone
I have about average prod/zone
Bong was below average and shot to above average before leaving
Fiahowl was a bit below average except for a turn where he was down to 1 region with a high level city and shot up.
Naru and Matty were a bit below average, Matty because he started late and Naru because he quit and revolted
Deoxy seems to have been a bit above average until he went inactive.
the first of the below pictures shows the beginning acceleration, then a war, and then back to growth again. This chart is adjusted to account for the exponential growth. In this picture, anything below the 1.0 line is 'low' and anything above it is 'high'. The beginning is low because many people wanted to grab land and not develop it yet. Given time, zones are developed and the line shoots up until there's war.
the second picture is unadjusted. You can see how throughout the war, the amount of production/zone barely grows. In fact, it drops a few times (exact data available in the spreadsheet).
This will be updated as the game goes on if i remember/someone reminds me