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Author Topic: The Word 'Theory'  (Read 5364 times)


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The Word 'Theory'
« on: November 09, 2009, 12:19:05 AM »
This topic is continued from another one.
A scientific theory is different from the normal word 'theory', which many people use every day.
Wikipedia - Scientific theory (simple English)
Wikipedia - Scientific theory (normal English)

i see your point i think the scientific version of theory is the correct 1

the everyday use 1 as in that post its just ppl in everyday scenarios seem to best guess let me explain what i don't understand about this idea eg below

i theorize that i will go and get a drink im going to climb down the ladders from my game room and pore out some milk in a glass, do you think that is best guess, fiction, fact or theory of what im going to do, it cannot be proven ether way until iv done it

the evidence that im going to do this is the fact im thirsty and my heart burn is starting to sting like hell
the theory of evolution etc says that naturally i will find something to drink and eat

but u never no i might just sit here for the rest of my life, say a few days with out any food or drink and die!!

it will for ever be known as a theory that was never proven all the facts said i should have went down but i didn't, everything said that it should have worked but it didn't i was capable the milk was there nothing was blocking me etc etc.
now some 1 will add a exception to my theory to explain why i didn't go down and get a drink which is what would happen in the science community which is the correct way in everyday use if we sat and done this for everything.. well ill let you make a theory about that use your imagination ...

its interesting how this old world works
i am in no way trying to argue with you or trying to undermine any theory of any kind just trying to make you see something and clear up what a scientific theory is. hope this helps you see where im coming from

yer im pretty poo at explaining i know but it wont stop me from trying

But what are you trying to tell me with the examples?