Riight - All of these Species are Bipedal ( two legs ), with opposible thumbs ( hands ), and Breathe Oxygen.
These are the Known Species of The “Krissyverse”.
Homo Sapiens Sapiens ( Human ).
Goram - Masters of Mining.
Halthoe - Master of Shipbuilding ( Spaceships ) and Large Constructions.
Kolee - Adept in Technological Development.
Leeth - Blindingly fast Reflexes and hand-eye coordination.
Rasthor - Natural Empaths and near telepaths.
Korgoth - Big and Powerful. 9 foot tall and built like super Green Bay Packers ( in England we have another term ).
Rhynwyrr - Descended from Reptiles, some Races have Wings, to fly on dense atmosphere worlds.
The Fremen of Creatia - almost identical to Humans - 7 foot tall, coal black, caucasian features. They have survived for tens of thousands of years ( maybe hundreds of thousands ) by hand-to-hand combat and Cannibalism.
The Tribesmen of Jinx ( not named yet ) in the Stigma System - an almost identical Human species. Bronze Age Cultures.
The “Toad People” of Stigma II – Evolved from Amphibians, who give birth to live young. A Civilisation comparable to Earth in the early 1800’s – The Tordoi Empire.
The "cat people" of Tigre Sector - Very Advanced Technolgically - 5 to 6 foot tall - descended from Desert Cats, with fur and tails. Carnivores who have had no Wars for 100,000 years.
The Ludziens - near identical Humans of the Planet Aegeria in the Ludz System.
Technologies similar to Earth in the 1950’s / 1960’s.
The Sulthaies People - near identical Humans of the Taolia System.
Technologies similar to Earth in the 2130’s – but NO Astronomy or space Travel.
The “Meerkat People” and “Mongoose People” of the second Planet in the Taolai System. Evolved from the Meerkat and Mongoose families of creatures.
The most advanced ( Western Nations ) have technologies like Earth in the late They have just sent their fist Space Rocket to their largest Moon.
These People are VERY different.
The Zetans – Ammonia Breathers. Bipedal and a little like Humans. However, they are a “hive culture” like Ants or Bees, and who are ruled by The Imperator. They are all in near continuous Telepathic contact with the Imperator, and seem unable to think for themselves. They ( and the Imperator ) regard all other forms of life as “galactic pond scum”, worthless except ofr Slavery or Exploitation.
The Primes – the oldest Civilised Peoples in the Universe. Some might say Older than the Universe. They are at least 16 Billion Years Old, and almost immortal.
8 Billion years ago they seeded the Planets in the Andromeda Galaxy with Life – and then they seeded the Planets in Our Galaxy with Life. 500,000 years ago, there was a major split – between The Peacemakers and those who became The Imperator.
These are like no kind of life ever seen – their Metabolism is based on Fluorine, Silicon and other chemicals. They have seven short legs, which lie almost flat under the base of their bodies, a bit like the toes of Elephants. They have seven tentacle like Arms, with several branches each. They are also truly Telepathic.