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Author Topic: tumblrness  (Read 1415 times)


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« on: April 23, 2012, 11:54:27 PM »
inb4 Aviators finds this topic

"Opinions on technocracy?"
"What the heck is that?"
"Basically technocracy is a form of government "in which science would be in control of all decision making. Scientists, engineers and technologists who have knowledge, expertise or skills would compose the governing body, instead of politicians, businessmen and economists." to quote Wikipedia."
"Science is based on the observations of men, and since men are imperfect, science must be imperfect. If science then rules the government, the government is flawed. As governments are flawed, corruption spreads. Chaos rises. Discord wins.
I need to go make a flow chart."
"As if governments aren't flawed as they are anyway? I mean they are ruled by "imperfect men" as it is right now. Just sayin'."
"Yup, therefore, all forms of government are doomed to failure. THE ONLY WAY IS TO BE GOVERNED BY ROBOTS!
Glaze for president!"
"If these robots are programmed by men... Uh oh. :P"
"No, they’re programmed by aliens! Duh."
"True. We need to hire some aliens to help us then."
"Hire? I’ve got at least 12 in my basement. They’re programming my robot army as we speak."


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Re: tumblrness
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2012, 07:05:58 PM »

kol, and reminds me of xkcd and the cd tray