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Author Topic: WASP-12b, the hottest planet until now.  (Read 7360 times)


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WASP-12b, the hottest planet until now.
« on: October 17, 2008, 02:37:53 PM »
Recently discovered the exoplanet that has the highest surface temperature known, 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, or 2,200 degrees Celsius. The exoplanet named WASP-12b are about 0.0208 AU of your host star.

I tried to perform a simulation of the orbit os the WASP-12b, but unfortunately the orbital elements of this exoplanet not yet been disclosed, so we do not have the inclination nor its eccentricity. Also missing data of  the mass of the star WASP 14 and its radius.

 However the site of the project SuperWASP have some graphical representations of the various orbits of various WASP exoplanets, they all have the feature of being very close to the star of your system and have a high inclination in the order of more than 80o!

 The artistic representation of the orbit of the WASP-12b demonstrates that it is very similar to the orbit of the exoplanet WASP-4b, the second planet closest to a star discovered by the project, only a little more inclined than WASP-12b.

 As the WASP-4b has your full orbital data and the physical details of the star of your system I used it as the comparison of what should be the orbit of the WASP-12b

 In another simulation I put the Mercury planet to have an idea of close proximity and inclination of the orbit of the WASP-4b and consequently the WASP-12b.

Below the screenshot of the close orbit of the WASP-4b:

Below the screenshot of the orbit of the WASP-4b with the orbit of Mercury as a comparison:

More in:

- http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/hottest-planet.html
- http://www.superwasp.org/wasp_planets.htm

[] ´s

Dan Dixon

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Re: WASP-12b, the hottest planet until now.
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2008, 11:50:56 PM »
Another awesome simulation. Thanks.

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Re: WASP-12b, the hottest planet until now.
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2008, 06:39:04 AM »
Unfortunately temperature is not really implemented in the program. I wonder what effect it would have on all the variables...