angular resolution is the smallest area you can tell.

top is low angular resolution
bottom is high angular resolution
now if we mixed those too together it'd look pretty ugly.
to determine angular resolution on an equirectangular map, you can do this:
select a random point on a border
make an imaginary circle around it, and pretend you can't see anything outside of it
slowly expand circle from 0 pixels radius to A pixels radius.
you stop expanding the circle when you can tell that the line is turning/is not just a straight line
2A is the amount of pixels
since 2A pixels is just an arc on a sphere/circle, you need to find the circumference. At the equator, the circumferemce is 4096, and at the poles, the circumference is 0. there is an equation that can tell you how many pixels the circumference has
2A/4096 or 2A/1293 or however many pixels
multiply that by 2*pi to convert from percent to angle
there you go, angular resolution.