yes but a more accurate map with less distortion is better?
It would be, but it comes at the cost of other things. Look at the Mollweide projection for example:

Compare that to a sattelite image:

The parts near the edge still get distorted beyond recognizion, and north becomes a curve instead of up on the map, in contrast to the center. Distortion is still a problem, it's just distorted differently.
because this map is official,
The other project was also an attempt to make an official map.
and it's a real planet. thats round. (did we decide that, because i would love to have a flat world). also because i've drawn a kallisto map, just like other people have drawn their national maps, and if the national map doesn't match with the world map that is bad.
The national maps so far could be cut out of the world map and thus have distortion. If you can change projection on the world map then you can also do it on the national map, there shouldn't be any difference there.
But well planets usually are spherical... I'd be against a flat world. We voted for it to be a planet so I assume that means it's spherical.
well the horizontal lines on the map are scaled perfectly, but the vertical lines are not. the vertical lines are parralel and spaced an equal distance apart from each other. In reality, the vertical lines should all meet at the top. This means that if your nation is close to the poles, it will be stretched horizontally a certain amount.
See the first answer. Something will always get distorted. There's no "correct" distortion.
i'm fine with the equirectangular map though, if i can have kallisto near the equator the error should be minimal (<10%).
I don't have a problem with this.