Well, only put this nations on the map (someone will have to draw them

) and i'm happy:
The Altëbenian Empire (Al Artebanne Impiruch)= Sikkilian (Irish and Maltese moisture)
The Good Lands of Amanysland (Nacla Nilami Amanysland)= Escarobian (Tamil and Hindi moisture)
The Federative Republic of Barcegna (La Repubblique Fédérativa dul Barcegna)= Barcegne (Spanish, French and Italian moisture)
The Calabell Empire (Ell Callabell Emperio) = Espirantia (modifyed spanish)
The Rebirth of Cassirissa (Deh Rhebirf ov Cahsirihsa)= Niwblarian (Modified English)/"Blalang(s)"
The Union of Central Pentadomeun (Denionafeng Csentrung Fenfomegy-ui) = Quintarian (Afrikaans, German, Chinese, Korean and Danish moisture)
The Woman Republic of Danieren Cassien (Teh Waman Rehpublac of Damnierren Kolsien)= Neoblarian (This-Forum)/"Blalang(s)"
Free Lands of Free Freedom = ---Any---
The Queensdom of Giziania (Ol Raiñado del Gizeania) = Espõrtuguese (obviously an moisture of Espanish and portuguese)
The Realm of Issalosia ()= Issalosian(Issamorian + Aeridanish)/Lovissamorian(Issamorian + NUELANGS)
The Greath Republic of Lariennia (Tha Granig Repúblic Dof Laryennea) = Gosturian (Portuguese + modifications + english)
The Union of Lavye-Maryuvia (Soyulik va Lavië-Mariukea//=Sovkovan)(Soyunie vok Lavie-Mariukia=Kopkovan)= Sovkovan (Russian, Romanian and Turkish)/Kopkovan(Russian, Romanian and Czech)/Soleani/Auspik
The Realm of Minecraftia (The Realm of Minecraftia) - English (?)
The Kingdom of Myattia (Konugariget Meattia)= Miarrian (Danish + Swedish)/Neokolokian
The Neo-European Union (Tha Neo-Europea Unión) = Nearopean (English + Spanish)
The Kingdom of New Issamoria (Ohe Reidom dof Nowa Issamoria) = Issamorian (Portuguese + English)
The North Pentadominium (Dhi Nordanis Fetsominoder)= Fivorian (English, Italian, Japanese, Latin and Norwegian)
The Pedrist Union of Pedramerica (A União Pedrista da Pedramerica) = Pedruguese (modified portuguese)
The Potato Lands (The Potato Leeks)= Rootian ()
The Sion Islands (Le Sió Isolles) = Sionian (Italian + catalan)
The South Pentadominii (Coc Jimgu Cipêsatoven) = Cincovanii (Portuguese, Russian, Vietnamese, Turkish and Czech)
Tusaria, The Two Rivers Republic (Tüsarea, Arepungbhoa Doi Doion Róngs)= Tusarian (Galician + Vietnamese)