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Author Topic: Custom Planets in Universe Sandbox 3?  (Read 5970 times)


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  • Baba Booey
Custom Planets in Universe Sandbox 3?
« on: September 10, 2012, 01:10:18 PM »
I have a question: Will there be custom planets in Ubox 3? As in adding planets with different or varying surface details and/or textures? I would like that so I can have a special star system of my own ;D(this question goes for all different types of planets, like Jovian planets, rocky, etc.) Thanks for replying :)


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Re: Custom Planets in Universe Sandbox 3?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2012, 01:46:42 PM »
I have a question: Will there be custom planets in Ubox 3? As in adding planets with different or varying surface details and/or textures? I would like that so I can have a special star system of my own ;D(this question goes for all different types of planets, like Jovian planets, rocky, etc.) Thanks for replying :)
mostly Yes but Only Dan know this one.


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Re: Custom Planets in Universe Sandbox 3?
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2012, 02:25:15 PM »
I have a question: Will there be custom planets in Ubox 3? As in adding planets with different or varying surface details and/or textures? I would like that so I can have a special star system of my own ;D(this question goes for all different types of planets, like Jovian planets, rocky, etc.) Thanks for replying :)
We have this on UBOX 2 :)


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Re: Custom Planets in Universe Sandbox 3?
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2012, 04:00:28 PM »
If you mean you can change it with procedural settings, I don't think we can do that, but only Dan would know that specifically.

However, there will be better support for adding skins to planets and other objects.


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Re: Custom Planets in Universe Sandbox 3?
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2012, 10:42:38 AM »
The short answer: Yes!

The long answer:
We have set the goal that anything you were able to do in Version 2 will also be present in Version 3.
However, we will abandon the "handcdrafted xml" paradigm completely.
That means, in Ubox3, you will be able to not only create complex Simulations directly in the application, without ever touching an XML file, but also create completely new objects using a range of editing tools and wizards.

We're focusing heavily on procedural content, so you will have the option to create all kinds of celestial objects by simply tweaking a set of visual parameters, rather than tinkering with photoshop.
Additionally, since we have to depict known objects as good as possible, you will have the ability to use custom texture maps and even custom meshes at some point.

But we will most likely encourage you to use the procedural approach, since it's a LOT easier and faster to create something really cool. And it makes sharing objects and simulation so much more convenient, since you don't have to send megabytes of images over the wire.

I hope this answers your question.


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Re: Custom Planets in Universe Sandbox 3?
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2012, 11:16:42 AM »
The short answer: Yes!

The long answer:
We have set the goal that anything you were able to do in Version 2 will also be present in Version 3.
However, we will abandon the "handcdrafted xml" paradigm completely.
That means, in Ubox3, you will be able to not only create complex Simulations directly in the application, without ever touching an XML file, but also create completely new objects using a range of editing tools and wizards.

We're focusing heavily on procedural content, so you will have the option to create all kinds of celestial objects by simply tweaking a set of visual parameters, rather than tinkering with photoshop.
Additionally, since we have to depict known objects as good as possible, you will have the ability to use custom texture maps and even custom meshes at some point.

But we will most likely encourage you to use the procedural approach, since it's a LOT easier and faster to create something really cool. And it makes sharing objects and simulation so much more convenient, since you don't have to send megabytes of images over the wire.

I hope this answers your question.

So, in other words, it'll be procedurally based? Sounds awesome. :)


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Re: Custom Planets in Universe Sandbox 3?
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2012, 11:32:45 AM »
Agreed, I really like procedural generation and its endless diversity instead of premade textures which never make you feel like you have anything unique. Unless you made it yourself, but that can easily take a lot of time if you want something nice.
Sounds really awesome. :)


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  • Baba Booey
Re: Custom Planets in Universe Sandbox 3?
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2012, 01:20:37 PM »
This is extremely great! It's awesome that you're going to implement a major feature that I was debating whether or not if it was possible XD Thank you for the feedback!