The northernmost surviving language of the East Serkr languages, Alumikai is an endangered language in the Aeridanish mountains. It has many grammatical features and is very compact.
Alumikai has:
Two voices (active, passive) - s, [default]
Two moods (desire, need) - á, io
Two aspects (imperfective, perfective) - l, [default]
Three tenses (past, present, future) - z, o, palatize last consonant
Three genders (masc. neut. fem.) - a, e, i
Three persons (first, second, third) - []*, t, v
Three numbers (singular, dual, plural) - [default], m, n
+clusivity u(number) = exclusive
* First person is same as gender. First person goes where person is.
They are arranged in the order:
Verbs have 2-5 letters as their root. Root1 = first letter, root2 = second letter, the 3rd, 4th and 5th are placed in order at the front. If unpronounceable cluster occurs:
a)move nearest vowel to inbetween cluster
b)if double, add e on front. ff -> eff
vr - eye
verz - seen
vro - seeing
vŕ - will see
vero - i see
vermo - us two see
verumo - us two see
verno - we see
veruno - we see
vetro - you see
vtreo -> vetro
vetron - you see
vtreno -> vetrno -> vetron
evvreo - they see
evvreno - they see