The rules to this map game are pretty simple.
Step 1: Pick any color that occupies only one or two sections of RGB color, so that at least one section of the RGB code is left a 0, it doesn't matter which.
Examples of valid colors:
255, 127,
0, 39
0, 255, 235
0, 5,
00, 243, 7
Even 0, 0, 20
Get the idea?
Oh yeah, other colors you can't be for obvious reasons: 0, 0, 0; 255, 255, 0; 255, 0, 255; 0, 255, 255.
Step 2: Make sure at least
one of your non-zero values are different from another players by 20.
Player X: 255, 127, 0
Your color could be 235, 127, 0; 255, 147, 0; or 255, 107, 0, but no closer.
Step 3: Much like most other map games, just fill in one zone where you'd like to start with your selected valid color.
Before you start your next turn, your available resources will be calculated (or in this case you'll just get 30). On your turn you will be able to select a zone or attack a zone, the amount you can take is calculated with your excess RGB value.
z = v^1.2
v = excess color value (starts at 0)
z = resources from this province
Add up the z (round down all decimals) from all of your provinces to determine how many zones you can take.
t = z
s = sum of all z from each of your provinces
t = amount of provinces you can take
You can also
upgrade a province's v value by 10 for 50 resources (z).
Attacking a province requires 2x as much z as the province produces. If you only want to partially attack, the cost is 2x as much z as you want the province to no longer produce.
Excess resources are accumulated for your next turn.
There is no limit (except as much z you produce) to how much you can do to one province in the same turn. Feel free to attack a province, take it as yours, and then build on it (add v).
A new zone must border (or if it's across the water, be the closest province) to another one of your zones.Ask if you need any more clarification on the regulations based on your specific circumstance!
atomic7732 [255, 127, v]
FiahOwl [198, 40, v]
Darvince [v, 241, 186]
Bla [128, 255, v]
Naru523 [72, v, 255]
Basic Action Overview and Player Data
These calculations are probably horrendously unbalanced but lets try it and refine them for the next game.