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Author Topic: Far Right Wing Network in Denmark  (Read 2415 times)


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Far Right Wing Network in Denmark
« on: August 19, 2011, 04:00:11 AM »
A secret far right wing network called ORG, with a plan to "cleanse Denmark from immigrants" has used data from the police to make a list of "national traitors", has many connections to Danish People's Party, and two of its members started a private school in the next biggest city with more than 200 pupils (Ã…rhus Privatskole) in 2007. Even their homepage reveals the top of the iceberg of their nationalism:
"Ã…rhus Private School's purpose is to operate as a school on a Christian, Danish, democratic basis, therefore a part of the school's traditions will also be rooted in Danish national values"
According to the report. I just checked the home page, and the text has been changed slightly (simply made more cryptic) since it was quoted in the report, but still contains the same elements. I can quote, translate it and link to it if anyone doesn't trust me.

"Its members consist of a number of people from the top of society. Self-employed businessmen, journalists, directors, house investors, high-ranking municipal officials, lawyers, policemen and military personnel."
Many of these people have connections to Danish People's Party, which has more than 10% of the votes, and which our Liberal and Conservative government happily cooperates with!

They are involved in SVT, a fighting-sport club focusing on techniques useable in street fights, with a logo resembling ORG's own, with a Sun cross, which has been used as logo by several Nazi groups. The private school uses the sun cross as their logo too!

At their solstice camp in 2003, Jesper Nielsen (who has been vice-president for Danish People's Party in the second biggest city in Denmark) receives a dark skinned baby doll, which they go on to burn on a fire! There's also a picture of someone heiling in the solstice camp from 1996, and they've burnt a social democratic election poster with a face of a politician on it too.

*Bla is very, very disturbed.

I doubt it will ever make people realize what they're doing by voting for any of our current government parties, which cooperate Danish People's Party get influence... As long as the government repeats "economic responseability" a billion times, it seems like people will continue to believe them.

The full report is here:

It is in Danish, so you'll probably need Google Translate if you want to read it. :P
I think it's very interesting, and slightly scary.


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Re: Far Right Wing Network in Denmark
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2011, 08:41:10 PM »


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: Far Right Wing Network in Denmark
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2012, 04:49:54 AM »
eet Pia Kjærsgaard
eet Pia Kjærsgaard

eet Pia Kjærsgaard

eet Pia Kjærsgaard
eet Pia Kjærsgaard
eet Pia Kjærsgaard
eet Pia Kjærsgaard
eet Pia Kjærsgaard
eet Pia Kjærsgaard
eet Pia Kjærsgaard
eet Pia Kjærsgaard
eet Pia Kjærsgaard
eet Pia Kjærsgaard
eet Pia Kjærsgaard
eet Pia Kjærsgaard
eet Pia Kjærsgaard
eet Pia Kjærsgaard

kol these people are insane


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Re: Far Right Wing Network in Denmark
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2012, 05:49:01 AM »
We've got people and politicians who are just as bad in the US too (Rick Santorum comes to mind maybe).


  • formerly mudkipz
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Re: Far Right Wing Network in Denmark
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2012, 09:35:48 AM »
eet rick pootorum
eet rick pootorum
eet rick pootorum
eet rick pootorum
eet rick pootorum
eet rick pootorum
eet rick pootorum