Im going to 9th grade in September which for 2/3 of high schools in the usa is the 1st year of high school. every other country is a different story.
Classes Im taking are:
English 9E (Regular class)
Trigonometry(Might be in special ed class might be in regular)
Earth Science (Regular, I am great at science but but I dont really focus science a lot, but hay I got an award for 8th science.
AP World History 1 year(They wanted me in regular history and i said fuck no.
Gym(Required in New York state to pass gym every academic year or else you go to summer school for gym but its incredibly hard to get less than a B+ if you show up
Resource Room(Im in special ed)
Art History(Bunch of 12th graders take it, and well who doesnt want to be with people 4 years older than you.
classes are from 7:35am to 2:21 pm 9 periods a day for 45 minutes