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Author Topic: Sagua  (Read 1328 times)


  • formerly mudkipz
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  • Posts: 1140
  • "giving heat meaning"
« on: June 03, 2012, 06:49:39 PM »
[09:48.31] <Sagua|gs> let's saguafice atomic to the saguabla
[09:48.40] <+atomic7732> no
[09:48.42] <Sagua|gs> hey atomic may i explode your guts in the name of saguaism
[09:48.42] <+Naru523> icwutudidthar
[09:48.46] <+atomic7732> no
[09:48.48] <Sagua|gs> sad.
[09:48.52] <+atomic7732> I don't practice saguaism
[09:48.59] <+atomic7732> a saguaist must be sacrificed
[09:49.05] <+atomic7732> I am well studied in saguaism
[09:49.09] <+Naru523> a nueist must be sacrificed
[09:49.17] <+Naru523> in the name of the Holy Council of Vodcakes