The e=mc^2-equiation says:
1g of matter is = 89,876,000,000,000 Joules of energy
Nuclear fission used in old nuclear weapons produces:
88,250,000,000 Joule pr. gram (
0.098% of the mass-energy-equiation).
E=mc^2 =
1018 times as powerful.
Nuclear fusion of hydrogen, like in stars or modern nuclear weapons produces:
645,000,000,000 Joule pr. gram (
0.72% of the mass-energy-equiation).
E=mc^2 =
139 times as powerful.
Imagine an anti-matter weapon!

...If it was possible to store antimatter inside a vacuum, and producing it in there... I assume it annihilates as soon as it reaches any normal matter, including air...
Using magnetic forces it might be possible (very hard though, since one single atom could mess up everything).
But still I don't know how it should be possible to get the antimatter inside it.