The spirals and non-conected trail segments are a result of the bug. The Earth is set as the center, but it's motion isn't yet being subtracted from all the other trails (and when it's motion is subtracted from itself the trail will disappear).
NeutronStar is right... This is an early screen shot of rotating frames.
The rotating frame feature lets you select an orbiting body to 'lock' into position and then the camera and trails are rotated to keep it from appearing to move on screen. The actual gravitational simulation is unchanged, the only difference is how the motion of the bodies and trails are displayed.
In the example above, the moon is the 'locked' body (although not very locked as it turns out). This feature is in progress and I expect that it will be part of Universe Sandbox 2 (which I expect to release in December).
Here's some more examples of rotating frames from a program made by Tony Dunn called Gravity Simulator:,654.0.html