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Author Topic: 3D question  (Read 8330 times)


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3D question
« on: September 10, 2008, 11:15:15 AM »
hey! I have a question, what do you mean with the 3D distance, i have red and cyan glasses and they work, but mostly when planets fly towards the screen they get their original red and cyan colors. which hurts and is very annoying for my eyes, now, i have a laptop with crystallcd display and I watch this simulation on a distance of +- 2 meter!... could you help me with possible the best effect I can get with the anaglyph function? (sorry for my english!)

Dan Dixon

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Re: 3D question
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2008, 01:40:01 PM »
The 3D interocular distance (found in Settings) is the distance between the left (red) and right (blue/cyan) eyes. It defaults to 1.5 (but I usually turn it up to 2.5). If the 3D settings are uncomfortable when objects get too close try setting it to a lower number (like 1.0 or 0.75).

You can duplicate that 'uncomfortable feeling' by holding your finger 10cm (4 in) in front of your face and trying to focus on the tip. As you move the finger further away from your face it gets easier to focus on it. Turning down the interocular distance decreases the difference between the left and right eye and makes it easier to focus on objects.

A higher value increases the intensity of the 3D effect and a lower number reduces the 3D effect.

Let me know if that helps.

(And no worries... Your English is better than my Dutch, French, or German.)


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Re: 3D question
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2008, 08:52:32 AM »
The 3D interocular distance (found in Settings) is the distance between the left (red) and right (blue/cyan) eyes. It defaults to 1.5 (but I usually turn it up to 2.5). If the 3D settings are uncomfortable when objects get too close try setting it to a lower number (like 1.0 or 0.75).

You can duplicate that 'uncomfortable feeling' by holding your finger 10cm (4 in) in front of your face and trying to focus on the tip. As you move the finger further away from your face it gets easier to focus on it. Turning down the interocular distance decreases the difference between the left and right eye and makes it easier to focus on objects.

A higher value increases the intensity of the 3D effect and a lower number reduces the 3D effect.

Let me know if that helps.

(And no worries... Your English is better than my Dutch, French, or German.)

I'll try, I've been trying to make it bigger (the number) :p but that didn't work to well, thanks for the good information! and thanks again :D you speak dutch then? :p

Dan Dixon

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Re: 3D question
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2008, 02:22:47 PM »
Setting the 3D interocular distance to a value greater than 3 doesn't work very well in most situations. Open up a system and then adjust the value while you've got the 3D glasses on to see the difference and select something that's comfortable.

Unfortunately I don't speak any of those languages (well... a very little French). That's why I said that your English is better. It would seem most appropriate that I would apologize for not knowing your primary language. :)

Let me know if you continue to have problems.


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Re: 3D question
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2008, 11:05:50 AM »
Setting the 3D interocular distance to a value greater than 3 doesn't work very well in most situations. Open up a system and then adjust the value while you've got the 3D glasses on to see the difference and select something that's comfortable.

Unfortunately I don't speak any of those languages (well... a very little French). That's why I said that your English is better. It would seem most appropriate that I would apologize for not knowing your primary language. :)

Let me know if you continue to have problems.

well, I tried, and it does work! but not too good, I still don't have the idea that planets fly towards me, maybe because my screen is too small?

Dan Dixon

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Re: 3D question
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2008, 08:57:28 PM »
I wouldn't think that it would have anything to do with the size of your screen.

Try this:
- From the main menu select 'Fun Things to Do' then 'Cosmic Billiards'
- Turn on the 3D effect and launching new planets or moons into the scene.
- When you fire them they appear right in front of you and will fly away from you.
- Give it a second or two to travel away from you.
- Right click on the new object and click the 'Rev' button (in the Properties group next to velocity). This will reverse the velocity and make it fly straight toward you.

Let me know if that is the effect you're looking for. :)


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Re: 3D question
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2008, 09:40:18 AM »
I'll try, I haven't tried that yet!, i'd say you can make that super 3D function even better, because it's pretty good! I'll try this and tell you what it did

Dan Dixon

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Re: 3D question
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2008, 01:32:51 PM »
i'd say you can make that super 3D function even better, because it's pretty good!

Note that when you're in 3D mode and you click on an object to make it the focus that it's depth appears to be even with the surface of your screen or monitor. So one additional feature to add to the 3D effect would be to set the focus body to be slightly in front of your screen instead of even with it.

Does anyone have any thoughts on other ways to improve the 3D glasses experience?