By my calculations, I will have nearly 400 videos in my music playlist by this time next month.
The pony thread will pass the TC thread for no-longer-10th most posted in topic in 292 days from the pony thread's first post (t+0), which is June 15, 2012. Much later than first estimation. The 10th topic with most replies is now the strange and funny quotes thread... which the pony thread cannot possibly pass. But EpiCraft will likely drop from 9th in a week or so which the pony thread will pass in a staggering 5 years (September 9, 2017), but since it's quite obvious (unless someone stupidly starts spamming posts) that EpiCraft will not ever be posted in for all of eternity, and thus should be represented as a horiztonal line. This calculates an intersection at September 1, 2013.