"War? Huh... I'd rather not." - Kaeshar
"War? What's war?" - Solea
"Does it involve me protecting some tiny and puny and helpless country, then I get named hero? If so, I'm in

. A bloody war that ends with my near-destruction is not approved unless I'm on the defensive." - Aeridani
"Yes, war... I like war... I like it a lot... A lot... Waaaarrrrr... WAAAARRRRR! CONQUEST! I LIKE WAR A WHOLE LOT A LOT!" - Starrie
"I'd war with anyone. I hate everyone

" - Lyintaria
"Bostonians hate everything just like Lyintarians. The thing that they hate more than anything else are other Bostonians. This is why they try to kill each other with their cars.
this isn't true but it's the funniest thing ever.]" - Boston
"Hahahaha... Against Aeridani or anyone who threatens my younger kids any day." - Bielosia
"I have to war with other regions to keep you safe from foreign aggression, and I'm sick of it." - Ethanthova
"War is okay with me, just when I'm on the winning side." - Sphereon Rilmu
"Bong your muskets together, load the gunpowder. We're going to invade another country today." - Bongatar
"I agree with Solea, what is this war you speak of?" - Darvincia
"Aeridanians? I like 'em" - Kaeshar
"They make our special pony-adapted guns (we prefer magic, but back-up weapons are always good) and supply us with other non-WMD things like pine tree saplings." - Solea
"We're literally their protectorate" - Alternate Solea
"You're letting our brother get a topic? No fair." - Bielosia & Starrie
"Hmmm... I think that Aeridanians are really cool and cute and they have swag and they are beautiful and awesome and less corrupt then Starrie and cute and very glorious and brave..." - Aeridani
"What have they done for us?" - Darvincia
"We were some close to conquering Boston until Loviniosa backstabbed the Kallisto alliance in the knee, then Aeridani took the chance to liberate it's citizens. F**k them, I almost had an empire." - Bongatar
"Well, they do supply a whole lot of the weapons to me so I can defend the UPS... We'd be dead if we used the half-assed cheap Starrie weapons." - Ethanthova
"They're cool and all, but sometimes annoying." - Sphereon Rilmu
"Well... How I grew up? Like all the other children of course, except I have a few things I'd rather not tell you..." - Kaeshar
"When I was growing up, it was a never ending mess of fighting with my siblings. It still is, actually, but now instead of getting punched in the nose we almost kill each other." - Bielosia
"I want to be the very best, like no one ever was... Journeying far and wide! Friends and siblings! I gotta rule them all!" - Starrie
"Back in my day, you could go from one side of your hometown to the other in less than 15 minutes and see at least 15 losers you graduated with doing the same exact same thing they were doing the last time you saw them. Can't do that anymore. Too many f*cking Crown Victorias." - Boston
"Well... I had an obsession with ponies.. And I was protected by Aeridani and Kaeshar... I also fell in lesbian love with Darvincia for a while... I think that's it?" - Solea
"I grew up under the iron fist of my dad, who said I was a stoner and a drunk, even though I was not. I soon moved out, then I realized when someone tried to take my house over, I had to defend myself and not rely on other nations for help. I loved Solea for a little while, and we almost started living in the same house. But then my body separated into 3 people and I was a lot weaker.." - Darvincia
"Well, when I was growing up, there was no big nation to protect me, Ethanthova and Tri-National were at war for a long time... By the time Ethanthova was able to help me, I already learnt to support myself. That's the problem with the younger nations, they have the luxury of older nations to protect them. They're pampered and spoiled little b*tches who believe in "pacifism" and don't know how to defend themselves properly, so I have to jump in and save them when a crackpot dictatorship tries to invade." - Aeridani
"i am new and young. i get protected" - West Auspikitan
"Spent my young days killing maxtopians and defending the UPS." - Ethanthova
"I grew up on an island full of little blue sphere people." - Sphereon Rilmu
Being Starrie's younger brother was always hard for me. She would compel me to join her in wars, but I didn't, until I got annexed by her. Then I was forced to work for her." - Bongatar
I don't think these ones are as good, but whatever.
"Whooooashhhh" was the sound that was blown through the room as the portal to Equestria was closed. This was the last portal to close, and just in time.
Starrie had declared war on Solea for the second time, but this time all of Kallisto united with Starrie. The war would not be won unless Loviniosa and Lasexia united, in which the Loviniosan states refused to do so as they voted to stay out of the war. And so the Solean government decided to evacuate as many citizens to Equestria as possibla. They did so, but millions were left behind and were told to evacuate to the capital city of Auspikitan, where boats would evacuate them to Boston, Vincent, and many many more cities.
Lasexia and Ethanthova fought viligently to defend Solea, but it was no use. The invasion pushed on.
Starrie invaded to find only a couple million of Solea's 62 million people to rape and kill, and no gold as the Soleans were able to move the entire gold reserve to Equestria. The Starrie army was disappointed.
The sky roared louder then a boeing 747 taking off as a single Aeridanian light cruiser swept by faster then Mach 3, soon followed by several ear-deafening Bielosian heavy cruisers in hot pursuit. This casualty would be the first of The Second Great War, over two hundred years after the original Great War.
While the Aeridanian light cruiser was faster, the four Bielosian ships had more firepower. In about 5 minutes, the ships would be crossing the border into Aeridani. The Bielosian pilots knew they had to finish quick or a Titan would be on their tail.
"TPSS-732 to Boston control center, do you read me? Over."
"We read you TPSS-732, over."
"Four Bielosian heavy cruisers in pursuit, request assistance[1]"
"TPSS-723, do you read me? Over."
"Sir, TPSS-723 is down, light neutronium bomb explosion in left side of hull."
"F*ck, dial the president now."
[1] Note that he did not say "Over" at the end.