I can haz a year in our official history for this? And btw, smap.
For many years, a people lived under oppression. The country they lived in always bragged about its freedom, but most people did not realize the hypocracy. Thousands, if not millions, of people were killed as the years passed, but over time, a few managed to establish connections and start a Secret Movement.
The Movement aimed to destroy the oppression, but had to carefully plan its moves. As the Movement grew, the state began to notice, and dedicated many resources to destroying it. This led the country on a path towards totalitarian fascism, and despite the fact that the majority remained blind to the horrors, the Movement grew stronger. Its people would never betray the Glorious Cause for Equality and Love.
Some arbitrary day, a criminal gang had gone mad in the capital city, and the police ordered everyone to stay away from the area. The news reported that the criminal gang had barricaded themselves inside a whole district, and that there was what could almost be called a war between them and the police, and soon military. Tanks drove into the city. The central district was now mostly a bunch of ruins, and the gang had disbanded, and shortly after, disappeared.
Then there were news of a terrorist group fighting on the countryside, destroying cargo train routes and attacking military bases at night. But not for long before all the radio broadcasts disappeared. Most people continued their normal lives and tried not to think of what was happening. But this strategy did not work well in the capital, where the Movement had regained its strength and now had Gloriously and Fearlessly Taken Control of the Entire Capital.
Shortly after, it began to broadcast the Truth. "Rise up, people! Down with the fascist regime black of hate!" And millions of people went on the streets in the neighboring cities, Armed by the Glorious Revolutionary Movement. Many Tanks and Much Artillery was Captured from the enemies, and soon brought Glorious Liberating Fireworks upon the still infected fascist cities. The plague was healed, the bacteria were utterly destroyed, under a Glorious Rainbow. It was said that it was colored Red by the Blood of the Oppressed People. From now on, They should Mightily Rule the Glorious Armed Republic of the Land of the Red Rainbow for the Great Cause of Equality and Love!