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Author Topic: why looks my Antares so perfect coloredbut not if i tray again?  (Read 5878 times)


  • Universe Sandbox 1 Beta Team
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Look dan, i uploaded the system. Its the first system i did and i notice antares looks very good there. The red is perfect.

But if i make now red star (or blue or any other color) it look much darker and on one side brighter? Why is that?


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Re: why looks my Antares so perfect coloredbut not if i tray again?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2009, 04:04:12 PM »
shadow, they (currently) don't emit their own light. You can see that on Rigel (prset) and the preset sun.


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Re: why looks my Antares so perfect coloredbut not if i tray again?
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2009, 04:09:21 PM »
Code: [Select]
<Name>Red dwarf</Name>
<ColorReal>ff0000 </ColorReal>
<ColorVivid>ff0000 </ColorVivid>

I make this code in Appreance file then i make a test star i give this Appreance and dind,t have shadow effect

Dan Dixon

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Re: why looks my Antares so perfect coloredbut not if i tray again?
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2009, 05:33:39 PM »
But if i make now red star (or blue or any other color) it look much darker and on one side brighter? Why is that?

This is a bug in the current version with the lighting system. I'm planning on implementing the new lighting system (where light is actually emitted from stars) for the December release that will fix this.

If you open up any of the system with Stars in it, and select Chart mode, you should see the same problems.