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Author Topic: HIII HELLO???!!!!???!!?  (Read 1650 times)


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HIII HELLO???!!!!???!!?
« on: August 18, 2024, 01:51:11 PM »

(I prefer to go by Rodney now, btw, yes it's been that longg)

I WAS TALKING WITH MY FRIEND ABOUT LIKE OUR PAST SELFS AND HOW DIFFERENT WE WERE AND I BROUGHT THIS UP AND I THOUGHT "yk I miss this forum but I think it might be dead, I wanna check up on it tho"
3. If you're wondering yes I still play Universe Sandbox btw still a goated game just didn't play it as religiously as I did back then.

I'm sorry for screaming at the top of my lungs I was just awashed with emotions just thinking this forum. This was where I (kinda sorta) made my first online friends with the Universe Sandbox and NationStates guys.

I'd love to reintroduce myself here and see if the old guys I used to talk to like Bla, Darvince, atomic7732, and some of the Universe Sandbox devs themselves are still here. I'd love to know where you guys have been this past... God maybe 6 years?

And part of why I wanna "reintroduce" myself is because, well, some big, deeply personal things have changed about me in the past 6 years as well and I'd really love to tell you guys about them if you welcome me to do so.

Right now, it is 3:50 AM in Jakarta, Indonesia. I'll be up in around 6-8 hours. I hope someone who for some reason, remembered who I was, noticed this post and decides to come in and say hi to me. And maybe we could have a talk about where we've been after that.

In the meantime, I'll see you guys in a bit. Good night, and I love you all, whoever and wherever you are <3

-Rodney, aka Austritistanian ^_^


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Re: HIII HELLO???!!!!???!!?
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2024, 01:16:35 AM »
AYYY long time no see friend!! sorry for the late reply but uh yeah we are still alive and um yeah this forum is pretty dead now :( but we are much more active on our discord server nowadays. I can have one of us message you to join our discord if you wanna :D

as for the user count thats definitely just bots unfortunately, like i said the forum is ded now and ig theres a lot less moderation on it. a lot of USF activity has moved to the main universe sandbox discord server tho, so dont worry the community is still well alive just not here anymore

I hope ur doing well and like i said you are welcome to join our discord group whenever! some of us arent as active anymore but other than that we still hang out :D


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Re: HIII HELLO???!!!!???!!?
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2024, 05:00:52 PM »
omaga an someone else has appeared hiii. agree with tuto you will probably never see this (unless my suspicion is correct) but yeah this place had registration closed to everyone a few years ago with only approvals letting people in, its all just the increasingly huge number of bots reading the entire internet. and yeah our discord server is quite active (and you may find out if my suspicion is correct)


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Re: HIII HELLO???!!!!???!!?
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2024, 05:03:46 AM »
AYYY long time no see friend!! sorry for the late reply but uh yeah we are still alive and um yeah this forum is pretty dead now :( but we are much more active on our discord server nowadays. I can have one of us message you to join our discord if you wanna :D

HELLO!!! LONG TIME NO SEE AHHH I MISS YOUUUUUUUU!! SORRY THIS IS SUCH A LATE REPLY. I'm a little busy with life right now but ehhh I'll talk about that later. I'm so happy you guys are still around even though as you said the forum is pretty much dead x_x. Also yes I'd love to join the Discord server. I am active pretty much all the time on Discord except for college/work/sleep obv.

as for the user count thats definitely just bots unfortunately, like i said the forum is ded now and ig theres a lot less moderation on it. a lot of USF activity has moved to the main universe sandbox discord server tho, so dont worry the community is still well alive just not here anymore

I hope ur doing well and like i said you are welcome to join our discord group whenever! some of us arent as active anymore but other than that we still hang out :D

Yeah that took me by surprise looking at that all time active user count when I first visited this site in god knows how long ago. I kept thinking what must've happened that day that suddenly woke everyone up. I know it was bots but what exactly happened? I don't remember bot attacks all that much when I was active here. I guess it's a more common thing in the prehistoric days of the internet back when I was still an infant, and now the bots have just moved on to social media sites to influence national elections.

Anyways, I'm doing quite well right now. Like I said, just a lil busy with life but I still have time to talk to you guys if you want cause I'd loooove to do that again! I've got a lot of stories to tell about where I've been in the past 6+ years, because OH MY FUCKING GOD SO MUCH HAVE CHANGED ABOUT ME SINCE THEN (most of them for the better don't worry ^w^). Darvince has already messaged me on Discord (I managed to find their Discord ID) so I'll try to ask them about the server. But if you wanna add me there as well, my Discord is rodneyote (rodneyote#3708). For now, I hope this message finds you well, and I hope to see you guys there soon!



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Re: HIII HELLO???!!!!???!!?
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2024, 08:00:13 PM »
amagua hi

i stopped checking this forum months ago apparently or i would have seen this earlier rip


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Re: HIII HELLO???!!!!???!!?
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2024, 08:52:17 PM »
Hey y'all it's been a really really long time, It's good to see the forum is still here! is it appropriate to like throw out there that like I am trans now or??? It's really nice that this corner of the internet is still here. I keep checking in on it every couple of years and it never stops making me smile. This was one of my first real forum experiences as a tween/teenager. And I too still play universe sandbox, but now I guess I do it for worldbuilding projects! Anyhow all this to say I echo Rodney's sentiments. Glad you're all still here :'(


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Re: HIII HELLO???!!!!???!!?
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2024, 10:54:42 AM »
hi!!!! join our discord server tbh

i'll pm you