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Author Topic: Surface Grids Temperature Spread Unrealistic  (Read 6166 times)

False Anomaly

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Surface Grids Temperature Spread Unrealistic
« on: January 28, 2020, 10:14:38 AM »
Surface grids have been feeling off, especially when it comes to collisions between planets. So I conducted a test.
Test 1: In US2 a23.2, I load the Earth & Moon collision simulation. The Moon collides with Earth, and in 2.5 hours, Earth is a molten ball as you'd expect.
Test 2: I do the same thing for US2 a24.1. This time, after 2.5 hours, Earth is still intact with its oceans, and the only parts affected by the collision are a bunch of grid pixels on the exposed side of Earth.

This is what I've been basing the test on: https://youtu.be/PnhflL7-I3I
It's not the same conditions, but the larger planet turns to a molten ball unlike Earth in the 2nd test, and the temperature appears to spread across the entire thing as it should do in US2, but doesn't.

What's going on here?

False Anomaly

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  • Posts: 11
Re: Surface Grids Temperature Spread Unrealistic
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2020, 11:06:51 AM »