1. pawn can take up to 2 squares away on forward diagonals (as opposed to just 1 currently)
2. knights can move either once or twice in one turn -- if twice, then the first square they move to must be empty
3. bishops can move on horizontal and vertical axes as well as the diagonal ones, but cannot capture pieces on the hor/vert axes
4. the analogous rule for rooks
5. once per game, the king can jump anywhere on the board as long as that space is not occupied / doesn't put king in check
6a. the queen can take up to two adjacent pieces at once (if they are lined up on the same axis as the queen is moving). obviously you can't take the king this way, and you can't put the king in check in this way
6b. this is an alternative to 6a. the queen can go around corners. basically anywhere a normal queen can go, the buffed queen can go anywhere in a 3x3 area around that square.