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Author Topic: Kepler-10c  (Read 3952 times)


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« on: May 03, 2019, 06:47:19 AM »
Kepler-10c was once thought to have a mass exceeding 17 earths, but then in 2017, analysis from the HIRES data showed that the planet isn't nearly as massive or dense as expected.
Instead it's mass is currently stated to max at 7.37x that of Earth, and it's density is only 3.14 g/cm3, making it a mini-neptune, yet studies show its composition to be volatile-rich and made mostly of water.

I saved the revamped body in case any of you wanted to use it until the next update renders it as its promised form.
And the simulation of the system, plus the planets should be tidally locked, so here it is as is.