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Author Topic: Big objects from Games and other media.  (Read 3715 times)


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Big objects from Games and other media.
« on: January 07, 2019, 06:30:18 PM »
Following a similar path when i talked about having more non north american spacecrafts/satellites, i got a nice idea. I heard on Steam Workshop that in Universe Sandbox there was the Halo ring, and, being a huge fan of Halo, i thought that idea would be perfect for Universe Sandbox 2(even if it was a lie and Halo rings weren't present in the first version of the game). Halo rings are quite big, much bigger than the other spacecrafts and such, but still small compared to most important bodies in the Universe, so they would fit in quite well(except for their shape, which combined with its size might cause some physical issues, still, i guess we could get around that. Besides that i don't really have any other good suggestions, but to fill this topic with more suggestions that might be cool i decided to put here some stuff from other media i like and that might be good for US2:
 - Reaper (Mass Effect)
 - Citadel (Mass Effect)
 - SSV Normandy (Mass Effect)
 - Death Star (Star Wars)
 - X-Wing (Star Wars)
 - Tie Fighter (Star Wars)
 - High Charity (Halo)
 - Pillar of Autumn (Halo)
 - Spirit Dropship (Halo)
 - Pelican (Halo)
 - Overworld* (Minecraft)
 - Nether** (Minecraft)

*Minecraft's world is theoretically infinite, however, at least in earlier versions of the game, if you were able to go very, very far, you would end reaching the Far Lands, which is when it is so far away the game starts not to be able to load properly. Even further, you would end up reaching the end of the world. Considering each in game block as 1 cubic meter, the true size of the Minecraft's world is actually almost as big as Saturn(if i don't mind, i might be wrong). It is only 256 meters tall however, so it is like a giant sheet of paper, that could also causes physics problems, but i don't know.
**Same as for Overworld, however with the Nether world of the game, which is as far as i know 6 times smaller.

It might seem to ask for too much, but i am just throwing some ideas here, they are not necessarily good. As for the Halo ring though, i think that would be a great addition. Have a good day, hopefully the game turns to be a great success, as it regulates very well between entertainment and physical accuracy.