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Author Topic: Little suggestion(from a new guy)  (Read 5814 times)


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Little suggestion(from a new guy)
« on: July 07, 2017, 01:43:14 PM »
 Before anything i am new here, so hi to everybody. And i don't know if this is somewhat silly, but i already entered forums that had a place to introduct yourself, i didn't see any topics for that but if you have i would like to make a thread there. Anyway...

 Well, i know Life Evolution is only going to appear at Alpha 21 2 light years after now, but as a placeholder, i have a way to make people happy about their habitable planets get growing life. Right below "Life Likelihood", we should have these four value:

 - Microrganisms(Protozoan, bacteria and viruses)
 - Plants and Funghi
 - Animals
 - Sentient

They would represent the number of species that the planet has, the plants/funghi, the animals, or the sentient. Let's take an example Earth(a very unaccurate example that i found in the internet):

 - Microrganisms: ~50000
 - Plants and Funghi: ~3000000
 - Animals: ~10000000
 - Sentient: 1(lol)

 So, depending of the percent of life likelihood at the planet, species will appear through time(and disappear too). And events like refrigerating or heating planets will change the number of species. In the case you throw Moon at Earth the number will almost get to 0(it won't because of water-bears) but after sometime(this if the Earth is in the Solar System normally and you add atmosphere again) the number will start rising again due to the Earth conditions. Sentient species may appear only waay long after the planet has a good percent of life likelihood(and you may have more than one sentient species!).
 Something simple like that is enough to satisfy people terraforming planets, and make the game more realistic. I don't think it is something hard to program, i am not pro-programmer but for what i know it is very simple. Well, thanks for reading every single word i wrote texted and have very nice day.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2017, 06:35:46 AM by Minhoca »


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Re: Little suggestion(from a new guy)
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2017, 07:29:26 PM »
Good suggestion, but I want to point out life simulation is still quite some distance out and hasn't been stated that it will appear in Alpha 21.


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Re: Little suggestion(from a new guy)
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2017, 06:34:38 AM »
Ops i comitted a mistake, sorry. I heard somewhere that and when i texted this post i didn't think about the source of the information. Anyway i am going to change it. Thanks for warning about it.
And thanks for the opinion!


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Re: Little suggestion(from a new guy)
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2018, 11:15:03 AM »
Sorry, this is an old topic, but to prevent the need to create a whole new topic, i am just going to reply to this one.
I just want to know if there is any chances this will be added, i mean, i wanted an answer. The only answer i got was to state a mistake in the suggestion. There is no problem if even then the developers don't see the suggestion, but at least some other opinions would be really nice.
So, what do you think?


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Re: Little suggestion(from a new guy)
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2018, 08:07:21 AM »
I think that this is a very good suggestion. I'm sure that the developers did see it. However I think that is beyond what they are doing right now. I know that they do want to add life. They have been working on a planet grids for quite a while and your suggestion might fit into it.

So after planet grids comes out if you see a way to use it with your suggestion you might let them know how you would implement it.


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Re: Little suggestion(from a new guy)
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2018, 02:07:51 PM »
Thank you, again, i appreciate how quickly the team answered both this suggestion(at least this time) and my suggestion about other space objects. Universe Sandbox 2 is a great game, keep with the good work. In your case, keep with your good work, moderating this forum.