
But in response to the rest, well, what's the point of saying you create something in six days if it isn't six days anyways?

Wouldn't it be useless to tell us you create it in six days without saying what a day is?
I mean, a day is the time it takes for Earth to rotate once, the length of a day is based on Earth and is changing as the rotation of Earth slows over time (it's slowed by The Moon).
Also, what about Big Bang? That's not even mentioned in the bible. We know Big Bang happened 13.75 billion years ago, The Solar System formed about 4.6 billion years ago and The Earth about 4,567,200,000 years ago. The first life on Earth appeared 3.5 billion years ago, and was very simple - in fact, multicellular life is only 610 million years old.
That's what Science says, I don't see it fit completely into the six days. The 'heavens' are 13.75 billion years old, Earth is only 4.6 billion years old.

In Genesis 1:11-13, on the third "day", the christian god creates plants, but he didn't create 'the two great lights' [Sun and Moon] before 1:16, the fourth day. So you can check how long a day can be at most - the amount of time plants can survive without sunlight to fuel their photosynthesis.
Also, if a god wanted us to read his words and is omnipotent, how come he gave us a book that required translations by imperfect humans?
And the bit about them caring about what other people do... That's also based in the bible -
leviticus 20:13. Gays should be killed if they 'lie with a man as one lies with a woman', according to the bible.