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Are you religious?

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Yes, I believe in a religion with one god.
20 (27.4%)
I believe in a personal god, but no religion.
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I'm not sure.
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I don't believe in any god.
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Author Topic: Religion  (Read 133024 times)


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Re: Religion
« Reply #240 on: February 22, 2015, 08:10:22 PM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 01:38:24 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Religion
« Reply #241 on: November 09, 2015, 07:19:57 AM »
A recent study of links between religion and altruism and morality in children:


Of course, some religious peoples' reaction to this was ironically to send violent threats to the researchers. What a good way to convince people the study is false.

Source: http://www.dr.dk/nyheder/viden/naturvidenskab/nyt-studie-religion-goer-boern-egoistiske-og-haevngerrige


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Re: Religion
« Reply #242 on: November 09, 2015, 12:47:42 PM »
I can prove God does exist. I shall prove the one true God, the one from the bible.

 So one morning my alarm went off, but instead of being a bee bee bee noise like usual, it was a beepbadaeep beep. This proves God.


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Re: Religion
« Reply #244 on: April 10, 2016, 12:46:15 PM »
the planets and stars are all shaped like meatballs, and a lot of galaxies are shaped like pasta bows. Irregular galaxies are piles of pasta


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Re: Religion
« Reply #245 on: April 10, 2016, 12:48:01 PM »
Im atheist and believe in the big bang, but I dont really care what my friends or anyone else thinks


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Re: Religion
« Reply #246 on: April 10, 2016, 01:29:33 PM »


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Re: Religion
« Reply #247 on: April 24, 2016, 10:47:24 AM »
I personally believe a slightly altered version of science, but I don't believe religion itself. I do respect religion as people are allowed to believe what they want.

My altered version states that there are parallel universes (an infinite amount of them, to be exact), and they go through a continuous chain of the following: Big bang, universe stuff, big crunch, big bang, universe stuff, big crunch, etc.

And that goes on forever.


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Re: Religion
« Reply #248 on: April 24, 2016, 11:20:46 AM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:16:55 AM by FiahOwl »

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Re: Religion
« Reply #249 on: April 25, 2016, 08:37:33 AM »
thats a copypasta. i remember reading it a while ago.


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Re: Religion
« Reply #250 on: April 25, 2016, 10:30:06 AM »

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« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 02:16:42 AM by FiahOwl »


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Re: Religion
« Reply #251 on: April 25, 2016, 10:48:34 AM »
I am an Atheist but am starting to believe in god.

Lord DC

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Re: Religion
« Reply #252 on: April 25, 2016, 10:53:00 AM »
you smuck I spent 20 minutes writing that and you have the audacity to claim I copy and pasted it
well shit i guess you did write it. This is even more confusing because it is literally a nonsensical ramble about frogs and religion. i give you about a -249/10


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Re: Religion
« Reply #253 on: April 25, 2016, 11:36:06 AM »
plz support the athetits


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Re: Religion
« Reply #254 on: April 25, 2016, 12:01:24 PM »
i am god but i'm starting to believe in atheists


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Re: Religion
« Reply #255 on: April 25, 2016, 12:04:28 PM »
i am a Capitalist but i am starting to believe in communism


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Re: Religion
« Reply #256 on: April 25, 2016, 12:42:48 PM »
i am evolution and i am starting to believe in christians


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Re: Religion
« Reply #257 on: April 25, 2016, 03:56:31 PM »
i am offensive and i find these latest posts atheist


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Re: Religion
« Reply #258 on: June 04, 2016, 12:17:37 PM »


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Re: Religion
« Reply #259 on: June 04, 2016, 12:28:27 PM »
religion is the utilitarian's worst nightmare


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Re: Religion
« Reply #260 on: September 25, 2017, 03:13:29 AM »
my unconscious mind is fucking bullshit ok

at the climax of my madness in june from having too much of this fucker: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vilazodone in my body (i had been taking the maximum allowed dose for about two months)

my unconscious mind convinced my conscious mind, successfully, that god was present with me directly (in this case most likely the unconscious mind was what was doing it) but not really communicating, because even in such a distorted state i was steadfast in my position that that is impossible (not the existence of god-concept, but rather the possibility of god-concept communicating with a real, extant mind)


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Re: Religion
« Reply #261 on: September 25, 2017, 05:04:47 PM »
The most I tend to do in a religious discussion is clear up misconceptions about God. One of the biggest is people viewing God as a "big man in the sky." Being a Christian, this is far from the case.

The best possible explanation I have is this: Picture the highest possible dimension responsible for the existence of the universe or multiverse or whatever, and then picture that dimension as a living being. Hence the term "I Am" in the Bible. While we can barely grasp the concept of "infinity," God's more than that.

I believe that God made science, and I freakin' love science. :D


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Re: Religion
« Reply #262 on: September 26, 2017, 01:32:27 AM »
The best possible explanation I have is this: Picture the highest possible dimension responsible for the existence of the universe or multiverse or whatever, and then picture that dimension as a living being. Hence the term "I Am" in the Bible.
I think a problem when discussing religion is using very vague terms. For example the highest possible dimension, what does that actually mean? Is it somehow related to the dimensions of spacetime? How do you know this 'thing' is actually responsible for the universe existing? Or what good reasons are there to think so? And why would you make a leap and picture it as a living being?

The most important of these questions I think is the first one. If we can't make clear claims and describe what we're talking about, there's no way to have a meaningful discussion and verify if it's true.

The god of the Bible regularly intervened in the Earth, do you believe that? Do you believe that as stated in the Bible, plants were created before the Sun?

While we can barely grasp the concept of "infinity," God's more than that.
But what more is it? How do you know? Again I feel it's not a very meaningful discussion about a concept that's more than infinity but beyond barely graspable.

I believe that God made science, and I freakin' love science. :D
But humans made science, why would you say a god did it?


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Re: Religion
« Reply #263 on: September 26, 2017, 01:17:47 PM »
Well, yes. Science is the manmade measurement of the universe, so my wording was off there... Maybe that's why I like science concepts so much better than the math aspect of it... :/

The thing about trying to put something beyond infinity into words is that there aren't really any words to describe it. That whole "highest dimension" analogy is the closest possible thing I can come up with, and yes, I'm referring to something not bound by time or relative dimension or anything of the sort. I think the Bible has similar issues with wording, especially considering the fact that it was translated and reinterpreted several times over. The only real fundamental thing is Christ (body of a man, soul of God), hence the term "Christian."

Considering how things work in the universe, it makes me wonder why they work that way to begin with. Before the universe existed, did what we know as the laws of physics exist? This is why I make such a leap in assuming it was a living thing. The universe might be chaos, but it's pretty organized chaos. "By chance" is one thing, but where did the concept of "chance" come from, and how did it dictate the beginning of the universe?

Most interventions occurred through events that we can explain through known means. For example: the plagues on Egypt. River turning to blood; an algae bloom or iron-rich minerals being disturbed and carried by the river, which could have caused the animal plagues as well. Flaming hail; meteorites.

I do tend to have trouble explaining interventions such as a lack of food becoming plenty and things like that.


Remember that event on the International Space Station where algae was growing on the outer hull in the vacuum of space? Plant life is pretty dang resilient. If the Earth was a still-forming cloud of debris surrounded by gas and plasma that would eventually become an atmosphere and the Sun, I don't think it's that far-fetched to theorize that simple plant life like algae could be created from that. Think of it as primordial soup times ten.

It's also possible that the "days" weren't our concept of a day since God isn't bound by time.


In regards to the religion of Christianity itself, it focuses on what God did for us rather than what we do for God, so it is unique in that aspect and seems to make the most sense to me.

C.S. Lewis covers a ton of these conundrums in his book Mere Christianity and explains things a thousand times better than I ever could. It's a great read regardless of a reader's beliefs.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 11:58:55 PM by JMBuilder »