You have squandered my mind.
Well done.
I still believe in God, though.
yeah I did too when I was twelve.
here's something for your consideration: you said you believed that god may have created the big bang. that's a prime example of something called 'god of the gaps'. throughout the history of religion, more specific to Christianity, god has been blamed for the gaps in our knowledge.
why is there so much diversity to life? god did it.
why did all these fossilized animals die out? god did it.
where are the missing links? god did it.
the entire history of science has continually shrank the role god played in the universe to people. we now know that the diversity of life is attributable to evolution by natural selection. we know the fossilized animals died out because of an asteroid or a comet. we've found a plethora of missing links, transitional fossils.
the problem with the god of the gaps is that science will never stop seeking out and finding answers. you say god could've been responsible for the big bang. yes, this is true. she could have also been responsible for literally every other thing we couldn't explain at one point. why do wheels work? god did it.
I feel like sooner or later we will conclusively pin down the cause of the big bang, and when we do that, it'll be one more place god was removed from. the overwhelming problem with putting god in these gaps is that she's confined to a smaller and smaller box with every discovery made.