Thanks. I can, but you need to tell me what sections I should rewrite, how close it has to be to the original text and if I should just edit it or if I should send the text to you first.
I'll check the XML codes, but I'm glad to see that my planets showed up at least.

I guess I forgot to divide by 1.000 if I converted from meter to kilometer.
Thanks for telling me about Astrosynthesis.
EDIT: Yes, I had forgot to divide by 1000 at all planets except Roxna. I hope it works now. If you check it out, can you tell me something about their orbits? Are they nearly circular and do they orbit at the same plane? I tried to make them near-circular, except Roxna which hopefully is a little more eccentric.
EDIT: I drew a map for Laktra, so I've uploaded it. I've changed the file to use the map. Remember to add .png to the end if it get's deleted by your com or something (the filename should be
EDIT: I tested it and your textures work! I can also see my planets, but I think my texture for Laktra had a wrong size. I've uploaded a new one which is 1024x512 pixels.
EDIT: Oh, it wasn't the problem. You have to change <(/)Appearance> to <(/)Texture>! It works now!