Exciting to see NeutronStar and Deoxy99 have begun to edit again.
Project Gravity Controller made by the Spheron empire? If so, was it started on
If so, the article name should be Project Gravity Controller (SG-232-Z2). I can move it to have that name if it's ok.
If SG-232 is the name of your solar system, Deoxy99, and the planets are called Z1 and Z2, I recommend the following article names:
SG-232 for the system.
SG-232 a for Z1.
SG-232 a I for Z1's moon.
SG-232 b for Z2.
SG-232 b I for Z2's closest moon.
SG-232 b II for Z2's second moon.
SG-232 b III for Z2's third moon.
SG-232 b IV for Z2's fourth moon.
SG-232 b V for Z2's fifth moon.
The links can ofc have the old names. But this is the naming policy on the wiki, to make space for all the different pages the people using the wiki would ever need.

Edit: Also, we should place Deoxy99's star in our Universe Sandbox Sosycrewi system, so we can measure the distances from there.
Deoxy99, if you want to, please place your star (and planets if you want) in the following file.